Nigeria: A Lagos Tale - Government Has Not Done Enough or Maybe It Has

12 February 2024

Despite growing up in a community where political debates were as regular as Sunday dinners, I never thought I'd find myself amid decision-makers in governance, let alone attend a town hall meeting with the Governor of Lagos State. My journey to politics and governance began on that fateful Saturday, May 29, 1999, when I saw a man on the television, dressed in white Agbada and a green Yoruba cap swearing an oath on the Bible.

I did not fully grasp the significance of that day, but it piqued my interest because, unlike typical noisy Saturdays, most shops were locked up on this day, making our street look like a ghost town. Little did seven-year-old me know that what I watched was the rebirth of a government "of the people, by the people, for the people, and from the people" - a mantra we have heard echoed throughout these 24 years of uninterrupted democracy.

Over the years, however, the hope and trust that the citizenry had in its leaders seemed to have dissipated. Expectations were high for economic reforms, social development, and infrastructural development at the turn of the new century. Lagos blossomed and continued its journey to becoming the Centre of Excellence indeed and in truth. I have watched places like Oshodi transform into something beautiful, I have watched public schools infuse technology into their learning curriculum, I have watched COVID-19 test the tenacity of an Incident Commander, and I have seen us export music, movies and culture to the globe.

In just one administration, I have seen the government produce a state-of-the-art rice mill, empower thousands of youths and women in agriculture, improve waste collection and even solve a lot of the housing dilemmas. Despite these, "the government has not done enough" has been a constant mantra throughout the changing dispensations and administrations. I must confess that this school of thought is not alien to me. While I applaud the government for providing BRT buses, the queues at the close of business suggest that more buses need to be rolled out.

While I commend the beauty of the parks in different strategic locations in Lagos, the maintenance needs to be improved. While I am grateful for the intervention of LAGRIDE to ease the transportation hitches, the traffic congestion needs to be dealt with. Armed with this same ideology, I applied for the Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy to understand why it seemed so difficult for the government to do "a lot!" It is my journey as an outsider becoming an insider I intend to document here. Perhaps, seeing through my eyes might give you answers to this agelong question: "Has the government truly done enough?"

On Thursday, January 25, 2024, I experienced my first town hall meeting with Mr Governor, Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu. The ambience was electrifying, and the expectations of the people were as clear as daylight. They wanted to hear their Governor talk even if they weren't sure about the promises that would be made. The air was charged with a sense of responsibility as if each citizen in the room was a superhero ready to question the powers that be. As a Fellow of the Lateef Jakande Leadership Academy, posted to the Ministry of Information and Strategy, my initiation into the townhall world felt like stepping into a political circus, complete with the ringmaster, Governor Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu, presenting the THEMES Agenda scorecard.

As Mr Governor stepped onto the stage to speak about the accomplishments of his administration, it was clear that no other state in Nigeria was doing what Lagos was doing. With the multifaceted investments in Transportation and Traffic Management, we shouldn't even have the kind of congestion we now have. But, as my commissioner aptly put it: "Lagos is a victim of its own success."

It made me think of New York - the city that never sleeps - a place as fast-paced and diverse as Lagos, facing its own set of challenges. I couldn't help but draw parallels when I learned that 57% of Americans are frustrated with their government. That's more than half the population! Yet, without the stats, one would think that all is well with the most powerful nation on earth. It turns out, that disillusionment knows no geographical bounds. The difference? Americans may grumble about their politicians, but they'll be darned if they let anyone speak ill of their country. It made me wonder if Lagosians could adopt a similar sentiment - a sort of "Lagos Pride" as encapsulated in our mantra, "This is Lagos!"

The difference between New York and Lagos perhaps rests in the patriotism of its citizenry. They have traffic issues, they have waste management struggles, and it's always so busy yet the people have a love-hate relationship with their city. They love the powerful strides they are making in all sectors, but the hate comes from the aftermath of its success. Like Lagos, a victim of its own success. People will keep coming because it is a society that works. As long as people keep coming, there's going to be traffic. Sad but true. Of course, the government will not rest on its oars and must continue to creatively solve our transportation challenges but for every new train depot opened up or a subway built, there will be more people thronging to Lagos - a land of possibilities!

As the town hall unfolded, I discovered the government had been quietly working behind the scenes. The traffic situation, though still reminiscent of a labyrinth, had seen improvements. I couldn't help but think of it as the government's attempt at preparing catfish pepper soup for its citizens when all they could afford was hake fish - not exactly what we asked for, but sustenance, nonetheless. Imagine realizing at the town hall that four Mother and Child centres were already commissioned, "jigi Bola" had been relaunched, and a massive renovation of primary healthcare centres was underway.

As I heard about the reconstruction of Massey Street Children's Hospital, aiming to become the largest children's hospital in Africa, I couldn't help but wonder, "Why didn't I know about this sooner?" Was there a conspiracy against spreading the good news, or was the government playing hide-and-seek with its achievements? Am I a selective listener of the news, choosing only to hear sensational news that trends or is the media simply full of news that's designed to make citizens feel like the government is not doing enough? I don't have the answers, yet.

Lagos had acquired boats, completed roads and flyovers, launched minibuses, and created jobs. I read through the achievements of Mr Governor so far and I was wowed. It may not be a perfect feast, but it was a meal on the table. In a country where hungry families [other states] go to bed without "fish", Lagos had managed to serve something delicious. Maybe it is time to applaud the efforts of the government. A child who wants ice cream may never appreciate the fact that the pap served by his parents is the only meal they can afford at the time. With encouragement and a citizenry that backs up its government, I know that more can be achieved.

For every great stride Lagos makes, it will battle immigrants who see Lagos as their own "promised land".

The THEMES agenda has had its fair share of successes. Against an unbiased scorecard, Lagos has done remarkably well. Can more be done? Definitely! But I think Lagos should strive to be in competition with itself. If it chooses a standard too low, then it might become a local champion and rest on its oars but if it picks a standard too high, it may become frustrated with unfulfilled promises. During the town hall, I found myself questioning whether we, as citizens, have actively sought out positive news. Are we viewing every piece of information through the lens of discontent, or are we willing to acknowledge the strides taken? So, every time we yell that the government has not done enough, perhaps we should ask ourselves by what standards? in what context? given its limited resources.

As I left the town hall, buzzing with information and a newfound perspective, the words echoed in my mind: "This is Lagos!!!" Just as Americans end with "God bless America," perhaps it's time we embrace the spirit of "This is Lagos!!!" - imperfect, striving, and always pulsating with life.

This is Lagos!!!

· Omoakhalen (TBOG), a public affairs commentator, wrote from Lagos

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