Liberia: Pres. Boakai Did Not Meet With Ghanaian President Akufo Addo On Maiden Foreign Trip to Ghana

Monrovia — President Joseph Boakai's first official trip abroad following his inauguration on January 22 has been marred by controversy after it emerged that his host, Ghanaian President John Akufo Addo may have not been on the ground to meet him.

On Monday, the Executive Mansion announced that President Boakia has left the country for a two-day working visit to Ghana. It stated that while in Ghana, the President will meet and hold consultation with his 'brother and friend' President Akufo-Addo on matters if mutual respect.

In his letter to the Legislature regarding his departure from the country, the President informed them that the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs, Mr. Sylvester M. Grigsby, will chair the Cabinet in close consultation with the Vice President as His Excellency remains in communication via telephone.

However, sources say the President flew to Ghana purposely for medical purposes and was accompanied by his wife and other members of his family. There were no protocol officers, neither was he accompanied by other government officials.

FPA has also gathered that there was no meeting between the two leaders as President Akufo Addo is currently out of his country leading a delegation to international conferences in Munich, Germany and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

A no-meeting between the two leaders was also confirmed by a release issued by the Executive Mansion late Tuesday, Feb. 14 announcing the return of the President from Ghana.

The release further stated that while away, the President held talks with members of the Ghanaian Government headed by Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia.

"During his meeting with his Ghanian counterparts, the President extended appreciation for the support received prior to and during his inauguration as well as the visitation by the Ghanian Leader, President Nana Akufo-Addo. For his part, the Vice President of Ghana, Honorable Mahamudu Bawumia expressed excitement for the visit and assured the Liberian Leader of their continuous support and commitment to Liberia," the release said.

During the grueling campaign period, the president's critics and opponents raised concern over his health and question whether he was able to perform the responsibilities if elected given his well-documented health issues and frequent travel abroad for medication.

But he and his team downplayed the critics' concerned and said he would be up to the task. Following he made a month-long visit to the United States. While Boakai and his team said he had gone to forge friendship and seek support for his new administration from Washington, critics said part of his visit was for health reasons.

His inauguration was overshadowed by heat exhaustion that caused him to cut short his inauguration speech. He, however resumed his normal activities later that day and has since been exercising duties, currently forming his government.

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