Liberia: House to Probe Power Outage

15 February 2024

The House of Representatives has instructed its joint committee on State-Owned Enterprises and Public Utilities, to investigate inconsistency and inequitable power supply across the country and provide remedy.

The House took the decision during its regular session on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, based on a communication from Grand Bassa County District#1 Representative, Isaac G. Bannie, requesting the august body to invite the Management of the Liberia Electricity Corporation to provide information on the inconsistency and inequitable power supply being experienced daily and seek remedy.

According to Rep. Bannie, of late he has observed with keen interest inequitable and inconsistent power supply by the LEC in Monrovia and its environs.

He said such practice has a propensity to destroy lives and cause other inconveniences.

The Grand Bassa lawmaker added that he wants the House of Representatives to invite the Management Team at the Liberia Electricity Corporation to provide reasons for such embarrassment and proffer remedy.

After the communication was read in plenary, it was forwarded to the committees on State-Owned Enterprise and Public Utilities to report in one week. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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