Liberia: Local Farmers in Bong County Urge Liberian Government to Invest More in Agriculture

22 February 2024

Local Farmers in Bong County are calling on the government of President Joseph N. Boakai to prioritize investments in agriculture by providing essential support to farmers in the form of training and farming equipment.

The farmers emphasized that with adequate support from the government, they can make a significant impact in the ongoing battle against food insecurity in Liberia.

They said millions of dollars that are being used annually by the country to import its staple food will drastically reduce if not stopped.

Liberia spends over US$200 million annually on rice imports, according to the country's Finance Ministry in 2023.

Every year the government has to subsidize the importation of rice with millions of dollars so that the commodity can become affordable for many ordinary citizens

However, James Kollie, one of the Lofa farmers in Siannoyea District highlighted the crucial role of government intervention in boosting agricultural productivity and ensuring food security.

He stated, "We, as local farmers, are ready and willing to contribute to the agricultural development of our country."

"However, without proper training and access to modern farming equipment, our efforts are limited. We urge the government to invest in us, and we will deliver remarkable results."

Another farmer, Mrs. Korto R. Jorkeh echoed Mr. Kollie's sentiments, emphasizing the need for sustainable support from the government. She said Agriculture is the backbone of any nation and as farmers, they are the ones working on the land to feed the nation.

"By providing us with training and necessary farming equipment, the government can empower us to boost food production and improve food security for all Liberians."

The farmers emphasized that by investing in agriculture and supporting local farmers, the government can not only enhance food production but also create employment opportunities, alleviate poverty, and stimulate economic growth in rural communities across Bong County and beyond.

As stakeholders continue to advocate for increased investments in agriculture, the collective efforts of the government and local farmers are crucial in realizing the vision of a food-secure and prosperous Liberia.

The Farmers' voices in Bong County serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of prioritizing agriculture and supporting those at the forefront of food production. By heeding their calls and investing in farmers' training and equipment, the government can pave the way for a more resilient and food-secured future for all Liberians.

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