Nigeria: Traders, Residents Protest Alleged Extortions By Customs Officials in Katsina

Katsina State has several officials and unofficial routes to Niger Republic.

Traders and residents have protested alleged incessant extortions by officials of the Nigeria Customs Service in Mai'Adua Local Government Area of Katsina State.

The incident, which occurred on Saturday in Mai"Adua, the LGA headquarters, lasted several hours with the protesters accusing customs officials of extorting them huge amounts of money.

Some of the protesters chanted "We will not condone customs incessant extortions" while many of them held placards with various inscriptions.

"They (customs officials) are making our lives miserable," Umar Muhammad, leader of the traders in Mai'Adua, told journalists during the protest.

"Products manufactured by companies in Nigeria are finding it difficult to enter Mai'Adua because of the money customs officials extort. For example, cement, maize and other commodities in Mai'Adua are becoming expensive because we have to pay customs to bring the goods into our town."

He said the products are mostly bought in Kano with weight bills clearly stating this, but officials would insist that unreceipted payments must be made.

"I buy goods direct from companies but even with documents showing where I bought the goods, customs officials ask us for money. We pay about N300 per bag of cement. I pay about N300,000 for a trailer of goods I brought...goods that were produced in Nigeria," Mr Muhammad said.

Katsina State has an expansive border with the Niger Republic covering about six local government areas of Jibia, Kaita, Mashi, Mai'Adua, Zango and Baure of the state.

There are 12 official borders in the state being manned by security agents, especially from the Customs and Nigeria Immigration Service. But there are several unofficial entry and exit routes.

"They can get food in Daura (neighbouring local government area) but we can't get it in Mai'Adua. It's difficult for us to get commodities especially food," Yusuf Muhammad, the representative of Mai'Adua civil organisation, said.

"There are allegations that we are hoarding foodstuffs or taking them to Niger Republic which is nothing but a blatant lie. We are trying to sort this thing out but the customs officials are making life difficult for us."

The customs spokesperson in Katsina State, Tahir Balarabe, did not respond to calls and SMS sent to him on the allegations by the protesters.

Allegations of extortions by customs officials in the state are not new as traders or commercial motorists' associations had on several occasions accused officials of the service of extorting their members.

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