Liberia: Ex-Rebel Leader Senator Nimely Joins Forces With Senator Prince Johnson to Oppose Establishment of War Crimes Court in Liberia

Monrovia — Former Liberian warlord turned Senator, Thomas Yaya Nimely, has sounded a caveat to President Joseph Nyuma Boakai to suspend his quest to ensure the establishment of a war and economic crime court in Liberia during this initial stage of his government, and concentrate on finding solutions to issues confronting the nation and its citizens.

Senator Nimely was the Founder of the Movement for Democracy in Liberia (MODEL), a rebel group which ousted and forced into exile former Liberian President Charles Ghankay Taylor.

MODEL was accused of multiple human rights violations, including atrocities, murder, rape, sexual abuse, among others by the erstwhile Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

For weeks now, the Unity Party (UP) led-government of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai has been under intense international pressure to ensure the establishment of the court to prosecute war and economic crimes perpetrators.

Liberia suffered a 14-year civil conflict. An estimated 250,000 people died during the conflict, according to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) final report. Many believed that the formation of the court would help end the culture of impunity and bring justice to the victims.

As a result of this, members of the House of Representatives on Tuesday, March 5 endorsed a resolution calling for the establishment of the court in the country.

Senator Nimely remains one of those recommended for prosecution at a war crime court for Liberia.

But speaking at a news conference held at his Capitol Building office in Monrovia on Wednesday, March 6, Senator Nimely observed that the UP led-government of President Boakai is not applying wisdom in working out modalities for the establishment of a war and economic crime court in Liberia.

He said government should suspend its unwavering stance to ensure that the court is established and concentrate on finding solutions to issues confronting Liberia and its citizens.

"This government is just two months old and is in power for six years-you promised your citizens who were denied by the former government and criticize them that they didn't do well and I am coming to rescue you; where is that wisdom? The people have been waiting for you to rescue them. What happened to the rice price? Why don't you rescue first? Rescue first and don't worry about Thomas Yaya Nimely."

"Whether you put me in jail or not, I got a hell. Why worry about me and leave the rest of the population? 90% of this population is at a younger age. What are you worried about Prince Johnson? Rescue the nation."

Senator Nimely said government should pay keen attention towards improving the country's health, educational and other sectors and better road connectivity instead of hastily going after those who participated in civil wars in Liberia.

Undermining programs

He observed that it is not timely for the government to establish the court in the post-conflict society.

"War crime court should not be in your 100 days. Take it from your 100 days and put it into your 4th year. When you are leaving power and you bring war crime court, nobody will care."

Senator Nimely threatened that the agenda and programs of the UP led-administration would be undermined if President Boakai and his government continue to proceed with the formalities leading to the establishment of the court just few months into his presidency.

Predicting confusion in a fragile state

He said the move would cause confusion in the country due to the fragility of the nation.

"Liberia is still fragile; we are peaceful but not stable. This is not a stabilized country. Things are going on day and night here. This President needs to listen, work and analyze. War crime court, move it from the agenda now. "

Senator Nimely claimed that the Liberian constitution does not allow foreigner to become citizens of Liberia and as such, government should ensure that foreigners do not interfere with the will of the people by encouraging the President to go after ex-warlords.

"Rescue the 4.5 million people who are younger than 40 years old. We know that you want justice, but that's not how you will want to see justice in your first three months in government when the resumes of your ministers, deputy and assistant ministers are piling up in my office and we have not confirmed them yet. Look at your policy you have to rescue this country and transfer and tell the young people on the radio stations to stop talking about war crime court so that your can't deviate from this government's policy."

When quizzed whether he is moved by the decision taken by lawmakers from the House of Representatives affixing their signatures to a resolution calling for the establishment of the court, Senator Nimely stated: "The House of Senate is the House of Elders. The people in the lower House (of Representatives), there are some that can analyze and some that do not analyze."

He accused Representatives who signed the resolution for a war crime court of receiving US$1000 each to sign the document.

He said those who signed the resolution did not take into consideration the future of the nation.

"You want to take me to war crime court; I can guarantee you that I will walk back home."

The latest opposition against the formation of the court from Senator Nimely brings to two the number of ex-warlords that have been consistently wailing against it in less than two days.

On Tuesday, Senator Prince Johnson claimed to be having a strained relationship with President Boakai (the man he supported and canvassed for during the 2023 elections), since news of the establishment of the court went viral in the country.

Senator Johnson, who is affectionately known as PYJ, was the head of the notorious rebel group Independent National Patriotic Front (INPFL) which captured, ousted and brutally killed ex-Liberian President Samuel Kanyan Doe, in September 1990.

He claimed that the Liberian leader was no longer responding to his phone calls.

"Mr. Boakai has even refused to pick up my phone because of his connection with the Allan White group, as he feels that I am a war criminal. But we are watching. They want to do something clandestine against us, and we are not going to accept that," Senator Johnson said.

He added, "My people in Nimba County were killed in cold blood, and we fought in defense. We gave you votes, and you want to go after us? We are not going to accept that. My people in Nimba are listening to you, and you think they are going to sit here and turn me over to you to give me false charges on things that I never did before?"

On Superintendent Grant

Several citizens of Grand Gedeh have been protesting against the nomination of former Representative Alex Grant as Superintendent of the county by President Boakai.

But speaking further, Senator Nimely observed that the nomination was made by the Liberian leader without holding consultations with stakeholders of the county.

He claimed that customarily, lawmakers of the county are consulted by past leaders prior to appointing a superintendent of the county.

He stressed that similar path should also be followed by President Boakai.

"Anytime the President appoints a Superintendent at his will and pleasure that should trigger down to the people of the county. For the past three weeks, the President appointed one of our sons to become Superintendent and that has been causing serious problems. The citizens are demonstrating day and night and I have told the governing party that your nominee has raised pressure on our people, please recall him."

Senator Nimely maintained that Grand Gedeh contains many citizens who are educated and qualified and as such, President Boakai should recall and replace him.

"There is no opposition in this country. The people who are in opposition are the ones who are unemployed. Once you give an opposition member a job, he is no longer an opposition. Whatever you say to him is what he's going to do."

He added that for the past 18 years the county has not benefitted from past governments and as such, the "Rescue Mission" should desist from raising the pressure of its citizens by reappointing Mr. Grant to another position in the executive.

He used the occasion to disclose that he has already requested the Senate Committee on Internal Affairs to place a hold on the confirmation of Mr. Grant until consultations are held with stakeholders.

Senator Nimely claimed that the nominee has also been banned by citizens of district # 2 from entering their district for allegedly kidnapping their son in 2021.

He pointed out that Grand Gedeans currently want a Superintendent that will help unify the county after over 18 years of division.

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