Liberia: Maryland County - 3-Yrs-Old Missing Child Found Dead

Maryland County — Residents of Zone#2 community in Pleebo Sodokan district, Maryland County are still mourning the loss of a 3-year-old lad, who reportedly missing on Sunday, 3 March during heavy downpour.

Little Oumar Dukuly's lifeless body was discovered on Monday, 4 March following vigorous search by residents and family members.

- Following a massive search in Zone#2, Pleebo Sodokan district, Maryland County, a 3-year-old lad, Oumar Dukuly, who reportedly went missing has been discovered dead in a swamp.

The remains were discovered on Monday, March 4, 2024, after the victim reportedly went missing on Sunday, amidst heavy downpours.

Speaking to reporters Monday after the body was exhumed, Raphael Klah, youth leader of Zone #2 community said, he received a call from Zone Chairman Samuel G. Natt, during morning hours about the discovery of Little Oumar's lifeless body.

Raphael said though residents of the community had tried searching when news broke about the child going missing, their efforts didn't materialize initially until the corpse was found the following day in the community.

According to the youth leader, the late Oumar lived with his parents in the Zone#2 community up to the unfortunate incident surrounding his death.

Community chairman Samuel Natt said the situation caused worry in the community, leading residents to join family of the boy to search for him.

"Let's be frank, the whole news got us worried, as community members thought we had tried searching but we didn't see him", Mr. Natt explained.

An uncle of the deceased, Ali Dukuly, said he received news about his little nephew going missing on Sunday while entering Pleebo.

Mr. Dukuly noted that following the information, he quickly ran to community radio stations to alert residents about the situation.

According to him, the child's father wasn't around, but he couldn't allow only the mother to have gone through such situation.

Little Oumar Dukuly's lifeless body was discovered floating early Monday afternoon when officers of the Liberia National Police, County Health Team, and local leaders went on the scene to examine the corpse.

Meanwhile, a 15-man jury comprised of local leaders and County Health Team after thorough examination of the corpse reported no foul play.

Family members, including community dwellers, are regretting the sudden death of the three-year-old boy, whose remains were turned over to family members for burial, while police continue with investigation.

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