Liberia: No to War Crimes Court

Despite the signing of a resolution for the establishment of War and Economic Crimes Court in the country to bring perpetrators to justice, several Liberians have rejected the idea of the establishment of the court arguing that the court will depreciate the country's economy.

Recently, some 40 members of the House of Representatives signed a resolution to establish the war and economic crimes court in Liberia to prosecute those who bear greatest responsibility of the nearly 14 years of civil unrest in the country.

But many Liberian who spoke to this paper yesterday rejected the establishment of the court saying that the court is not necessary at this time when the nation has enjoyed over 20 years of uninterrupted peace and stability.

Many of the citizens spoken to said gone are the time for the establishment of the court as this will only depreciate the country's economy. They furthered that it is a waste of time and will delay developments and ruin businesses for the ordinary Liberians.

Speaking to marketers at the ELWA Market, they stressed that the War Crimes Court is vital to any given nation but Liberians should not accept a wasteful knowledge that will jargonize progress being made in developing the nation.

While some Liberians believe that the establishment of the court is necessary, others think that the time for the court has passed and are no longer interested due to the years of peace the country has enjoyed.

"We as marketers do not think it is necessary this time. It will break businesses down, reawaken old wounds, bring back the pains of victims," some of the marketers told our reporter.

Some of the citizens added that some of the old rebels who took part in the nearly 14 years of devastating civil conflict are still around and could regroup to bring another unrest which could result to serious calamity and destruction of lives and properties after the rebuilding process of the country.

For some Yanna boys at ELWA Junction, the establishment of the court will enable the international community to troop in and steal the nation's resources that will make the economy to fall.

"The court is not good for our country now because the time the War Crimes court should've been established has passed. Let the country be this way. We love it like this. We need more investors to come, if the court is established, it will drive away potential investors who will want to invest in our economy," they said.

Many of them frowned on lawmakers who signed the resolution and told our reporter that Liberia as a country has suffered and learned from its past mistakes and not to again make those very mistakes of the past.

During the campaign of President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, he promised to bring to justice those who committed heinous crimes during the nation's 14 years of carnage that ravaged every fabric of the Liberian society.

Since the reiteration of his campaign promise during his inaugural address on January 22, there has been diverse views from Liberians at home and abroad over the establishment of the war and economic crimes court intended to prosecute those who bear greatest responsibility of the Liberian civil conflict.

At the same time, cross-section of Liberians spoken to by the TNR Newspaper are calling on the Liberian Senate not to concur with the House of Representatives on the resolution passed by that august body.

They called on the Liberian Government to think of the lives of ordinary citizens and the level of development ongoing in the country and abandon the idea of signing a resolution for the establishing of war and economic crimes court in Liberia following 20 years of uninterrupted peace.

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