Lesotho: Businesswoman Charged for Trying to Rob Police

LOCAL businesswoman, 'Masibusiso Lebesa, has been charged by the Maseru Magistrates Court for allegedly trying to defraud the then Ministry of Police and Public Safety of M448 000.

Lebesa had allegedly presented false purchase orders to the ministry, purporting to have provided it with catering services between November 2021 and February 2022.

She appeared before Maseru Senior Resident Magistrate Thamae Thamae last week who conferred her with the fraud charge.

According to the police officer investigating the case, Police Constable (PC) Tšepo Tšilo, they had been tipped off about Lebesa's attempt to rob the government of monies amounting to a combined M448 000.

She was then arrested and dragged before court where the charge of fraud was read to her.

According to the charge sheet, Lebesa made a false representation to the Ministry of Police and Public Safety by producing false purchase orders (PO) which were requesting her business, Maxmom, to provide the ministry's officials with lunch.

"The said accused is charged with the offence of Contravening section 68(1) read with section 109 of penal code 6 of 2010... In that upon or about time period between November 2021 and February 2022 and at or near Ministry of Police and Public Safety- Procurement Offices in the district of Maseru, the said accused did unlawfully and with intent to defraud make a false representation ... to ministry of Police of false purchase order P.O No. 12612 dated 27 November 2021 amounting to M8250, P.O No 12614 dated 27 November 2021 amounting to M294 800 and P.O No. 11942 dated 1 February 2022 amounting to M145 750.

"Which purchase orders were allegedly requesting Maxmom Suppliers to provide lunch for the representee's (Ministry of Police and Public Safety) personnel and as the result of such representation the accused did commit the crime of fraud, alternatively attempted fraud in contravention of the provisions of the Act," reads the charge sheet.

Magistrate Thamae released Lebesa on M1000 bail on conditions that she does not interfere with Crown witnesses, attends remands and stands trial to finality.

She was ordered to re-appear before the same court on 19 March 2024 for allocation of her trial dates.

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