Liberia: Boakai Flexes Muscle At Nasscorp

Monrovia — President Joseph Nyumah Boakai has dismissed National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) Deputy Director General Madam Carmerna Cephas Yeke for gross insubordination to the Office of the President.

So far, Madam Yeke's dismissal on Thursday, 21 March 2024, could be the first for a senior official under the Boakai-led administration, which assumed office on 22 January this year.

The Executive Mansion issued a press release Thursday explaining that Madam Yeke's failure to adhere to the high standards of conduct expected of a public servant has resulted in her immediate removal from the post.

The release said, "The Liberian Leader expressed appreciation for her service to the Corporation but noted that he cannot tolerate any behavior that goes against the best interests of the country."

It was noted that President Boakai assured the public that the decision had been made with the utmost confidence and in the Corporation's best interest.

President Boakai further assured that he remains committed to upholding the principles of integrity and accountability in all aspects of governance and will continue to ensure that public servants adhere to the highest standards of conduct.

Earlier on 4 March 2024, a drama ensued at NASSCORP when the senior management team at the entity told presidential appointee Cllr. Molfie Kanneh that he could not take office because the entity still has an official serving a tenure.

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The engagement between the NASSCORP senior management team and Cllr. Kanneh came after President Boakai appointed him to serve as Officer-in-Charge of NASSCORP.

Cllr. Kanneh was appointed while the current NASSCORP Director General, Mr. Dewitt vonBalmoos, still has about three years to go before his tenure expires.

Mr. Dewitt vonBalmoos is said to be out of Liberia on reported medical issues.

Accompanied by ruling Unity Party officials and other top government officials, Cllr. Kanneh had met with the entity's senior management and presented his appointment letter from the Executive Mansion.

At the start of their meeting, Cllr. Kanneh greeted the NASSCORP senior management team, introduced himself, and then presented a letter from the President.

Upon receipt of his letter, the head of the NASSCORP senior management team informed the nominee that she had been informed by Mr. vonBalmoos that he (vonBalmoos) was still in charge as Director General of NASSCORP.

According to her, Mr. von Balmoos told her that Cllr. Kanneh must contact the Executive Mansion.

She informed Cllr. Kanneh that Mr. vonBalmoos said the Executive Mansion had informed him that he (vonBalmoos) was still the head of NASSCORP.

Additionally, the head of the senior management team disclosed that vonBalmoos had told her that, as head of NASSCORP, he had not received any official communication from the Executive Mansion, and nothing regarding this development is on the Mansion's website.

She therefore asked Cllr. Kanneh to hear from the Executive Mansion so that they can move forward.

However, Cllr. Kanneh said he did not want to discuss the matter further, so he took his letter and put it back in his envelope.

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