Liberia: Your Voices Must Be Heard

Downtown Monrovia

In a poignant appeal to the people of Liberia, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaack urges citizens to rally behind calls for the establishment of a War and Economic Crimes Court for the country.

In a recent article posted on the U.S. Embassy's official website, Ambassador Van Schaack underscores the critical importance of citizens' engagement in pursuing justice and healing the wounds of the past.

According to her, the decision to ultimately establish a war and economic crimes court solely rests with the Liberian people, and the TRC's findings have already set the stage for that.

"It is not my opinion that matters," she stated, emphasizing the need for Liberians to take ownership of their history and request for the establishment of the court in order to prosecute perpetrators of war crimes.

Her call to action comes in response to recommendations laid out by Liberia's Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which has advocated for establishing a war and economic crimes court.

However, in her open letter to Liberians, she encourages citizens to actively participate in the process by voicing their support within their communities, communicating with their representatives, and expressing their views on the matter.

"This is why I encourage everyone reading this to let their voices be heard on this issue. Speak up in your communities. Write, call, or reach out to your representatives and local leaders and tell them how you feel. If you want to see justice, let your leadership know-how impunity affects you, your family, and your community."

Ambassador Schaack continues, "The bright future of Liberia is in your hands--your voices must be heard. The United States stands with you and is ready to support you in this endeavor."

The Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice laments how she sees entrenched impunity for atrocities on a daily basis around the world, noting that these atrocities affect not only the direct victims of those crimes but all of society and the very fabric of a nation.

"When there is no accountability for the worst crimes known to humankind, it undermines the rule of law and contributes to corruption and lawlessness. In many ways, there can be no true and lasting peace without justice." She emphasizes.

However, she applauds President Boakai's commitment to initiating the process of establishing a War and Economic Crimes Court, as announced in his inaugural address. She commends the government for taking steps towards implementing the recommendations of the 2009 Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

" Like so many Liberians, I--along with the U.S. Embassy in Monrovia, my colleagues here in Washington, and others within the international community--was very pleased to see President Boakai's announcement in his inaugural address that he would begin the process of creating a War and Economic Crimes Court for Liberia. Liberians have waited far too long to see justice for the horrific abuses they suffered in the country's two civil wars, despite recommendations from your Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). I applaud President Boakai for making justice such a priority in the early days of his administration. "

Reflecting on her role as Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice, Van Schaack pledged to closely monitor any threats to those advocating for justice, ensuring all Liberians' safety and freedom to participate in the process.

Moreover, she emphasizes the United States' government readiness to stand by Liberia in this endeavor.

"The United States will also be watching closely to ensure that those advocating for justice do not face threats to their safety and that all Liberians can step forward and speak about this effort without fear of intimidation or retribution. Victims and witnesses must play a central role in the work of the future court, and they must be able to do so freely and safely," she promises.

Commentators say Liberians now have the moment they have long waited for to end impunity and promote accountability for future prosperity. They should not let it slip out of their hands.

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