Liberia: 'Reckless and Baseless'

The Office of Rep. Thomas Alexander Goshua, II, has termed Rep. Steve Tequah of River Cess County Electoral District #1's statement reckless and baseless.

According to a release, Rep. Tequah recently alleged that Rep. Goshua was responsible for the ugly condition of a stretch of laterite road passing through electoral district #5 up to the Timbo River bridge demarcating Grand Bassa and River Cess.

The release said such a statement is not only reckless and baseless but unwarranted and premature of a lawmaker.

"It is rather disturbing that the noble people of River Cess County reposed confidence in a man who appears to lack the elementary understanding of what it takes to be a lawmaker and the responsibilities thereof," the release said.

It noted that instead of Rep. Tequah relying on the wisdom of experienced legislators like Rep. Goshua to broaden his seemingly narrowed perspective of the functions and duties of a Representative, he dabbles in cache phrases and utter confusion and has gotten lost in his journey to nowhere.

"Representative Tequah needs to be reminded that the road being mentioned is not a feeder road, but a major highway whose maintenance cost is estimated in the millions and cannot be done by an individual, let alone a lawmaker," said the release.

"It is also important to stress that such works DO NOT form part of a lawmaker's responsibilities, but oversight can be used to enhance periodic maintenance that could lead to subsequent asphalt pavement," the release noted.

According to the release, Rep. Goshua has remained instrumental in effectively and efficiently using his oversight responsibilities to ensure that maintenance works are carried out on that road periodically.

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"Had this not been the case, the road would be impassible, and River Cess would be completely detached from Grand Bassa until otherwise decided," the release said.

"Rep. Tequah should be thankful enough that Hon. Goshua has been the proactive lawmaker that he is."

The release added that during the past six years of the CDC-led Government that he (Tequah) supported, Rep. Goshua became one of the signatories to the Elton & Ebomaf financing agreements.

It continued that he did so with a patriotic sense of reasoning against the fact that he wanted the road being referenced to be rehabilitated for the convenience of his people.

"Unfortunately, his government's loan agreements turned out to be an undeserving scam against not only the people of Grand Bassa County but River Cess and all of the Southeastern Counties combined."

The release said the office had been made to understand that plans are underway to ignite a political fight in 2029 to support a candidate of his choice.

"How hard it is to phantom the rationale of a man wanting to orchestrate a political war against another person in a different county when his work has so far not made the least of an impression on the people he represents."

"One would think that a man of such feeble standing would endeavor to solidify his grounds in his constituency and set the stage for his re-election since he is yet a legislative rookie, other than indulging into fruitless ventures that could potentially jeopardize his chances.

"Lastly, Rep. Steve Tequah also needs to know that consultations are being held with the Ministry of Public Works on the manner and form it intends to proceed with Road Maintenance Contracts to which the Public Procurement & Concessions Commission has issued "No Objection."

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