South Africa Among Top Air Polluters On the Continent, NGO Report Finds

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A Greenpeace report says South Africa is home to six of the world's 10 largest nitrogen dioxide emission hotspots and nine of Africa's 10 largest nitrogen dioxide point sources.

South Africa houses some of the biggest air pollution sources on the African continent as a result of its energy sector, a Greenpeace Africa, Middle East and North Africa report on human-caused major air polluters in Africa has found.

The report, titled, 'Major air polluters in Africa unmasked', found that South Africa is home to six of 10 of the world's largest nitrogen dioxide emission hotspots and also to nine of 10 of Africa's largest nitrogen dioxide point sources.

Two of the world's largest sulphur dioxide emission hotspots and four sulphur dioxide point sources are found in South Africa.

In southern Africa, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide sources, as well as volatile organic compounds (industry solvents polluting the air), are attributable to the energy sector. Residential combustion, such as the burning of fuel for cooking and heating, is said to contribute the most towards black carbon emissions, the report found.

Nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide - produced as a result of burning fossil fuels at a high temperature - are considered pollutants to have the strongest evidence for public health concern. Both long and short-term exposure to the pollutants threaten health problems.

Nitrogen dioxide has been linked to...

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