Nigeria: Demanding Accountability in Governance Towards Empowering Nigerians


Is it possible to have the right political system in Nigeria? The answer is YES!

As Nigeria grapples with the stark reality of a political system in shambles, with it's elected representatives living in opulence and luxury, while its citizens are ensconced in pervasive poverty caused by incompetent governance over the years, now is really the time to come up with a political system that will truly be home grown, meet the challenges of the current political terrain, and which is robust enough to stop the wanton pillaging of public resources.

In the heart of Nigeria's democracy and current political landscape, the lack of adequate mechanisms to make elected individuals operate transparently, accountably and responsibly during and post-service has become so glaring with recent revelations uncovering shocking acts of greed and betrayal, thus perpetuating a cycle of unfulfilled promises and impunity, which pose a significant challenge to Nigeria's democracy.

Despite being elected on the basis of manifestoes, promises, agreements, set offs and intrigues, representatives, once in power, seem to evade responsibility and accountability for unfulfilled promises and questionable actions during their tenure. Even those with pending cases with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) or Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) seem immune to scrutiny and manage to manoeuvre their ways back to participating in elections without substantial repercussions.

The Essentials for Good Governance

Based on the "Principles of Public Administration - 2023" developed by SIGMA for OECD and EU countries, which act as benchmarks for EU accession, three fundamental tenets of public administration are pivotal for efficacious governance:

  • Transparency: This principle ensures that citizens can obtain information regarding governmental operations, thereby fostering an environment of openness.
  • Accountability: This mandates politicians and public servants to provide explanations for their conducts and that they are answerable for their performance or its absence.
  • Competence and Responsibility: This obliges government officials to prioritise the public good, exercise their duties with integrity, and manage public resources judiciously.

The principles highlighted above are well anchored in the 1999 Nigerian Constitution, as amended several times:

  • Section 15(5): The State shall abolish all corrupt practices and abuse of power; emphasising the government's commitment to accountability and transparency.
  • Section 16(1): It is the responsibility of the state to harness the resources of the nation and promote national prosperity and an efficient, dynamic, and self-reliant economy for every citizen.
  • Section 70: Stipulates the remuneration of elected officials, which is determined by the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission and directly relates to the principle of accountability in public service.
  • Section 88 & 89: Grants the National Assembly powers to conduct investigations and exercise oversight functions over the executive branch of government. They are key to ensuring accountability.
  • Section 153: Establishes the Code of Conduct Bureau and Tribunal, which are pivotal in enforcing standards of behaviour for public officers, thereby promoting accountability and transparency.
  • Fifth Schedule, Part I & II: Provides a Code of Conduct for public officers, detailing various prohibitions and requirements that promote integrity and imposes punishments on public officers who violate it, thereby enforcing accountability.

As the National Assembly gets set for a new round of an exercise in futility of amending the constitution, which has cost the nation the sum of N24 billion over the last 24 years, with only 30 amendments done, this is a world record in terms of cost and inefficiency, at approximately 1.3 amendments per year and at the cost of over N1 billion/year, in addition to other funds released to committees and also at the various states level. The exercise has now become a ceaseless jamboree...

The Dilemma Facing Nigeria(ns)

Despite the constitutional safeguards, the current system gets exploited by the executives and legislators who operate with impunity, shielded from consequences by the judiciary, even when implicated in corruption cases by agencies like the EFCC and ICPC.

Distressingly, the oversight mechanisms, including the state security vetting process and INEC's role, are marred by inefficiencies, allowing tainted candidates to run for office without repercussion.

The following factors and players have contributed to the lack of accountability, responsibility and transparency in Nigeria's public administration:

  1. The ethnic, religious, and regional divisions in Nigeria, which instead of bonding us, have created challenges for national integration, representation, and cohesion, and have fuelled conflicts, violence, and instability that clueless politicians have been exploiting fully.
  2. The oil-dependent and rent-seeking economy, which has generated enormous wealth and resources for government, but has also created opportunities and perverse incentives for corruption, the looting and carting of hard currencies, cash heist, incomprehensible mismanagement, etc.
  3. The weak, fragmented political system and other contraptions called opposition parties, which have failed to provide ideological guidance, policy direction, and internal democracy for their members and candidates, and have relied on patronage, clientelism, and money politics to secure votes, power and favour from the ruling party.
  4. The poverty and hardship imposed on Nigerians, unemployment, etc. have combined to pauperise citizens and limit their capacities and motivation to think straight, perform their civic duties and exercise their rights.
  5. The institutional mechanisms in place, such as the EFCC, ICPC, and State Security Service (SSS), which are responsible for the protection of national security interests, and the vetting of candidates for public office, are so emaciated and starved to be of any use as deterrence mechanisms.
  6. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), mandated to register and regulate political parties, organise, conduct, and supervise elections in Nigeria, is so bogged down with mediocrity that it's a mere "naira guzzling machine."
  7. The labour unions and human rights organisations lack coordination, cooperation and synergy amongst themselves, which has created confusion and conflict in their objectives and mandates, and they are so bewildered to the point of "intoxicated stupidity."
  8. The traditional institutions and religious bodies are like "flies," which the conspiring elected representatives use the "vinegar trap" on, and they are also in no fit state to stand up to the bad governance being perpetrated on Nigerians.
  9. The judiciary looks like an appendage of kleptocrats and thus assists in the exploitation of loopholes within the system.
  10. Finally, the "fat dogs" have been made so comfortable on their "sugar candy mountain barracks" by "Napoleon on the rock" and his predecessors, that it is not feasible for them to "bell the cat."

Lest we forget, there was the recent exposé of the largesse of N500 million dished out to members of the National Assembly, with some claiming to have received less and others none at all, coupled with the mind-boggling heist of N20 billion allocated to the constituency of the Senate President, leaving other Nigerians to fend for themselves. In addition, the alleged padding of N3 trillion in the 2024 budget and others over the years shows that the scale of this betrayal is staggering.

House of Greed and Betrayal

As the National Assembly gets set for a new round of an exercise in futility of amending the constitution, which has cost the nation the sum of N24 billion over the last 24 years, with only 30 amendments done, this is a world record in terms of cost and inefficiency, at approximately 1.3 amendments per year and at the cost of over N1 billion/year, in addition to other funds released to committees and also at the various states level. The exercise has now become a ceaseless jamboree, whereby it is the "whims and caprices" of those who hold Nigeria by the jugular that gets attention.

Lest we forget, there was the recent exposé of the largesse of N500 million dished out to members of the National Assembly, with some claiming to have received less and others none at all, coupled with the mind-boggling heist of N20 billion allocated to the constituency of the Senate President, leaving other Nigerians to fend for themselves. In addition, the alleged padding of N3 trillion in the 2024 budget and others over the years shows that the scale of this betrayal is staggering.

Only in Nigeria will you find the National Assembly being the body that approves, amends, (mis)appropriates, executes and performs oversight functions on the budget. This is an aberration and it is insane.

Time To Search for the Right Political System

As Nigeria grapples with the stark reality of a political system in shambles, with it's elected representatives living in opulence and luxury, while its citizens are ensconced in pervasive poverty caused by incompetent governance over the years, now is really the time to come up with a political system that will truly be home grown, meet the challenges of the current political terrain, and which is robust enough to stop the wanton pillaging of public resources.

But is it possible to have the right political system in Nigeria? The answer is YES!

Adamu Rabiu Writes from Kaduna.

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