Nigeria: Mysterious Disappearance of Undergraduate Student Unsettles Edo Community

10 April 2024

The inhabitants of Iru Egbede community in Orhionmwon Local Government Area of Edo, are grieving over the alleged disappearance of 19 year-old Faith Omodon, a 200-level undergraduate of Delta State University (Delsu).

The development has sent shivers among inhabitants of the agrarian community as most residents now short their doors as early as 6pm in the fear of the unknown.

Investigations reveal that Faith, who studies Business Administration at Delsu, was last seen on March 30, after leaving home for the farm.

Narrating the incident, the father of the girl, Mr Edward Omodon, said that "the whole incident happened when we were holding our national conference.

"We usually have Iru national conference at this time of the year. We were seated inside the community hall when we heard loud wailing outside that my daughter was missing.

"She had left for the farm earlier that morning with a motorbike taking her breakfast flask with her," he said.

Corroborating Mr Omodon's story, Mr Ikpoba Johnbull, head of the village vigilance group said, " Soon after the news of her disappearance broke that evening, we followed the girl's mother to the farm.

"We immediately mobilised and combed the area up to Izighiri and Uwumuwe, two neighbouring villages, but could not find any trace of her. We only found the leftover of her lunch flask.

" We informed our neighbouring vigilante groups as we spent that night inside the bushes but there was no result."

The vigilante leader said: "We then asked Mr Omodon to formally report a case of missing person at the Abudu Police Division."

The National Youth chairman of the community, Mr Donald Egboko, who lamented that his people were depressed and devastated over their missing daughter, appealed to security agencies to help track the whereabout of Faith.

Contacted, the Divisional Police Officer, Mr Iyayi Kenneth, confirmed that the incident was reported at the station.

Kenneth, however, said, "We have transferred the case to the State police command for further investigation."

But the Command's Public Relations Officer, SP Chidi Nwabuzor, said, "I will find out from the CID department and get back to you."

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