Liberia: Ballots for Nimba and Grand Gedeh Arrive

Monrovia, Liberia — -NEC announces here

Ballots for two by-elections in Nimba and Grand Gedeh arrive here, seven days before the polls on 23rd April, amidst vigorous campaigns to fill vacancies left behind by Vice President Koung and the late Rep. elect Erol Madison Gwion.

-The National Elections Commission (NEC) announces the arrival of ballot papers for the senatorial by-election in Nimba County and Grand Gedeh District #1 Representative by-election, respectively, slated for 23rd April 2024.

In a press briefing on Monday, April 15, 2024, at the headquarters of the National Elections Commission (NEC) in Monrovia, Chairperson Davidetta Browne Lansanah said that ballot papers for both by-elections are ready in keeping with the commission's operational plan and electoral timeline.

She explains that the ballots from the Republic of Ghana via the Roberts International Airport arrived in the country on Saturday, 13 April 2024.

NEC Chair

Madam Browne Lansanah details that ballots for the Nimba Senatorial By-Elections are Four Hundred Thirteen Thousand and Fifty (413,050), while ballots for the Grand Gedeh District #1 Representative by-election are Twenty-six Thousand and four Hundred (26,400).

She says the ballots arrived along with other materials, including Record of the Count forms and Tactile Ballot Guide, which are currently stored securely under the watch of state security.

She adds that packaging of materials in NEC Central Warehouse is on course and nearing completion.

The NEC reveals that the ballots, deployment, and other sensitive and non-sensitive election materials to Nimba County and Grand Gedeh District #1 commenced on Monday.

Chairperson Browne Lansanah notes that Cascade training for temporary staff for the By-elections is ongoing while training for electoral supervisors in all locations ended on Monday, 15 April 2024.

She also reveals that Polling and Counting training for poll workers starts today, 16 April, and ends on 21 April 2024.

The Commission says the political campaign for the 2024 Senatorial By-Election in Nimba County and District #1 Representative By-Election in Grand Gedeh commenced on April 4, 2024, and is progressing peacefully so far.

The NEC Boss revealed that the campaign will end on 20 April 2024 at midnight, adding that the Commission reminds all candidates to continue to conduct their campaigns peacefully and follow the Campaign Guidelines regulated by the NEC.

The NEC says accreditation tags for party agents will be issued at the Commission's offices in Nimba and Grand Gedeh beginning Wednesday, 17 April 2024. All observer institutions, including the media, wishing to observe the by-elections have until Thursday,18 April 2024, to request accreditation.

On March 22, 2024, the Commission formally launched civic and voter education activities for the by-elections simultaneously in both counties, which coincided with the distribution of CVE materials to citizens.

However, prior to the launch, all nine CVE Cells in Nimba and the One Cell in District #1l Grand Gedeh were activated to educate and inform citizens in both counties about the by-elections. More CVE and Gender outreach materials (posters, flyers, t-shirts, caps, banners, etc. and NEC personnel continued to be deployed to the two counties to support outreach activities.

In Nimba, the Commission is organizing the polls for 307,254 registered voters at 262 precincts, comprising 736 polling places. It requires 3,846 polling staff to man the polls. District#1, Grand Gedeh, has 20,407 registered voters and 11 precincts comprising 46 polling places. This requires 243 polling staff poised for deployment immediately following training.

Madam Browne Lansanah indicated that there are four senatorial candidates in Nimba, all of whom are males, and Grand Gedeh District#1 has fifteen candidates (12 males and 3 females).

The Commission says it continues to work with all stakeholders, candidates, observer groups, and security apparatus to ensure the successful conduct of the by-elections and to update Liberians regularly.

The government has provided US$ 2,026,588.50 to conduct both polls, according to the NEC Boss. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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