Ethiopia: Peaceful Means Is the Only Way Out

A church in Gheralta in Tigray, Ethiopia (file photo).

The situation in Ethiopia is now trying but manageable if everyone is committed to ensure peace and stability as the issue itself badly requires the combined effort of all. Besides, the issue of coming up with peace, peaceful coexistence, stability should not be left solely to the government, regional states, ministries such as the Ministry of peace, organizations working on the area and so forth as the issue definitely requires the combined effort of all and peace itself knows no boundary.

Undeniably, peace is everything and the firm foundation of stable life. Besides, war and conflict could never be, cannot be and even will never be a solution to problems created everywhere. Ethiopia is not exceptional in this regard. For instance, the situation in Amhara, Oromia and Tigray states has to be solved following the Pretoria agreement and principles of peace deal that have led the nation to comprehensive peaceful coexistence have to be well observed thereby creating a stable nation.

Cognizant of the fact that war is never the answer, and it is never a lasting solution to any problem, the country has to exhaustively employ all sorts of mechanisms for solving any disagreement, conflict and rivalry using only a peaceful means. Everything should be concluded in a peaceful manner and parties have to come to the round table discussions and entertained close talks since nothing could beyond genuine and heartiest discussion and amicable approach.

No doubt, the country has to work to ensure peace and security at every state and locality as lack of peace has come up with dual disadvantage: demolishing the existing development and getting the planned ones retarded. Here, every citizen has to work for peace and even some Diaspora members leading luxurious life abroad have to refrain themselves from adding fuel to fire as no one benefits out of conflict and war, it is quite obvious, and crystal clear for human race.

Without a shadow of doubt, in a world filled with complex challenges and diverse perspectives, the idea of war often emerges as a seemingly quick solution. However, the consequences of war extend far beyond the battlefield; this has to be well comprehended. Yes, the human toll of war is immeasurable for lives lost, families shattered, and communities torn apart etc which are the heartbreaking outcomes of armed conflicts and war. Beside, resources that could be invested in education, healthcare, and infrastructure are diverted to fund military operations. The long-term economic consequences, including the burden of post-war reconstruction, can cripple the nation for decades and even for millennia. Thus redirecting these resources towards sustainable development and mutual prosperity is a more prudent choice.

Choosing peace over conflict allows citizens to channel their collective efforts towards addressing pressing social, economic and even political issues and safeguarding all citizens for future generations. Effective discussion and open dialogue provide avenues for conflict resolution without resorting to violence indeed! True, even the most entrenched disputes can be resolved through negotiation, close talks, dialog and understanding. Obvious, investing in discussions fosters long-term stability and builds bridges among/between citizens and beyond.

Conflict or war stifles innovation and hinders progress. The resources and intellect devoted to military endeavors could be redirected towards scientific research, technological advancements, and social innovation. By cultivating a culture of collaboration, peaceful coexistence, close talks, genuine discussion and citizens can harness human ingenuity to address the root causes of conflict and work towards shared prosperity. It is this time stable, economically fatten and diplomatically competent nation can be created.

Unequivocally, building and strengthening national democratic institutions is crucial for maintaining peace on a national, regional, continental and even global scale. Here, by empowering such muscular organizations is of paramount importance in fostering a commitment to international law, creating a framework for resolving disputes peacefully, ensuring that dialogue prevails over confrontation.

In a globe which has been interconnected by technology, trade, and shared challenges, the idea that war is the answer is an outdated and perilous notion. By recognizing the profound human, economic, and environmental costs of armed conflict, people can collectively strive for a more enlightened approach to resolving disputes solely through peaceful and nonviolent scheme. From this, one can deduce that discussion, dialogue, and cooperation are the prime and true cornerstones of a peaceful scenario, opposed to differences that have encircled disagreement, rivalry, enmity, and conflicts. After all, the true mark of a resilient and full of civility society lies not in its ability to wage war, but in its capacity to build enduring peace.

It is well known that human beings pay much interest in peace from the ancient time until now. Moreover, it can be stated that peace is the greatest and highest goal or hope that everyone wishes to achieve personally and expects to be created in society and in the world.

Therefore, people have to try by all means to gain peace as peace has been talked, thought, taught and studied in many ways and many aspects. Whenever wars occur, people need peace and ask for peace. Peace that people needed and asked for is the state of the absence of wars, the state of having no fights. Peace is not merely the absence of war but the presence of justice, of law, of order, in short, of government.

It is a state of tranquility or quiet since in comprises freedom from civil disturbance, a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom, freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions, harmony in personal relations and as well as state or period of mutual concord between and among nations and nationalities, in the case of Ethiopia. Therefore, all Ethiopians have to think deeply about peace and try to garner peace in order to understand it and finally bring it into this soil. Needless to state, peace is a state of harmony in which individuals and communities coexist in respect and understanding.

One essential aspect of peace is the establishment of justice. Without justice, true peace cannot be achieved. Justice entails fairness, equality, and the protection of human rights. It involves creating a society where everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources, regardless of their background or circumstances. By upholding justice, citizens can address systemic inequalities and create a foundation for lasting peace. Such audacious assignments have to be dealt with the government of Ethiopia, but the support of all citizens has to be there.

Yes, peaceful societies benefit from increased stability, which attracts investments, promotes entrepreneurship, and stimulates economic growth. Conversely, conflict and instability have severe economic costs, impeding development and exacerbating poverty. Besides, stable societies provide conducive environment for businesses to thrive, attracting investors and generating employment opportunities.

The social fabric of peace in all parts of Ethiopia encompasses inclusive communities, equitable opportunities, and the protection of human rights. This trend has to be maintained and everyone has to work for the successful trek of efforts geared towards peace and stability. Societal or community cohesion is vital for establishing peace. When individuals feel a sense of belonging and identify with their communities, they are more likely to foster cooperation, support one another, and work towards shared goals.

The government of Ethiopia needs to work on promoting community engagement, dialogue, and inclusive discussion as such a pivotal means strengthens the bonds that hold societies together, fostering understanding and peace. Viable strategies and policies for peace that can involve proactive measures aiming at preventing conflicts, ensuring social cohesion, and addressing structural inequalities have to be put into practical actions thereby providing the nation and its citizens with stability and conducive atmosphere at every step.

Plus to that, the government has to prioritize investments in education and healthcare, promote inclusive governance, and work towards economic growth via formulating policies that promote dialogue, mediation, and conflict resolution which can contribute to peaceful resolutions of disputes, at domestic, continental and even international levels.

By engaging in constructive dialogue, negotiations, and diplomatic efforts, the Ethiopian government needs to strive to resolve disputes and prevent armed conflicts. It has also worked on the entire society as mindsets for peace involve cultivating attitudes of empathy, compassion, and open-mindedness.

True, individuals, including those in action to command the war from remote; have to come to their mind and overcome prejudice, build bridges, and foster understanding by embracing diversity and recognizing the humanity in others. Education, awareness campaigns, and promoting dialogue can help shape mindsets that prioritize peace, peaceful coexistence, fraternity, unity and collaboration.

In addition to this, conflict resolution skills empower individuals to address differences peacefully, resolve conflicts, and build mutually beneficial relationships. Effective communication, active listening, and negotiation techniques are also invaluable tools for transforming disputes into opportunities for growth and understanding. That is why it is repeatedly stated that investing in conflict resolution training and education equips individuals with the skills necessary for creating peaceful circles.

Most definitely, there is a way to end war, and one sees signs of the solution appearing wherever people realize that they share the same goal, to achieve a prosperous, healthy, sustainable, suitable and stable Ethiopia.

Understanding that conflict and war don't serve the shared goal, and could hardly lead to prosperity and progress, coming to round table discussion and genuine dialog is the best way out, indeed!

In sum, all Ethiopians have to work on deescalating enmity, treating the other side with respect, recognizing diversity, preparing themselves for forgiveness and ask for forgiveness. Here forgiveness means letting go of our desire for retribution and revenge. This is an act of true courage. Even if you believe that the other side doesn't deserve forgiveness, we deserve peace.

Besides, not insisting on self being right and proving the other side wrong. Yes, these ideas work in any negotiation, whether between/among nations or in a family even when we lack these ideas, we cannot turn them into coping mechanisms. Truly, the basis of peace is peace consciousness in individuals.

Editor's Note: The views entertained in this article do not necessarily reflect the stance of The Ethiopian Herald

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