Nigeria: 3 Kidnappers to Die By Hanging in Edo

18 April 2024

Justice R Irele-Ifijeh of the Edo State High Court has sentenced three men, Solomon Abuede, James Monday and Kelvin Edward, to death by hanging for armed robbery, kidnapping and murder.

The convicts were sentenced for the kidnap and murder of one Ephraim Akhere in Ekpoma, Esan West LGA, of the state in 2014.

The court also sentenced one Oviasogie Sunday to life in prison for receiving an Infinity SUV with registration number, EFR 218 FB, property of the late Ephraim which was stolen after his murder.

The convicts were among six persons arraigned on a six-count charge of armed robbery, kidnapping, conspiracy and receipt of stolen property.

The other two accused persons, David Williams and Monday Ozomo, were discharged for lack of evidence linking them to the crimes.

Justice Irele-Ifijeh held that the confessional statements of Solomon Abuede, James Monday and Kelvin Edward that they participated in the robbery were corroborated by the evidence of one Sandra, a prosecution witness, who was in the same vehicle with the late Ephraim.

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