Nigeria: Tips to Self-Fulfilment in Life

You are greater than who you are now! Does that surprise you? It shouldn't really. Most of us intuitively sense it that we are actually greater than who we are right now. Do you sometimes feel that you have not really done what you came to this world for yet? No matter your achievements at present, yet inside, you know you are greater.

"Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull of that which you truly love." -- Rumi

Yes, it could be that there are some people who have not quite given it a consideration, that is actually very sad. We should all give it a consideration time and time again. We should take time to look inside ourselves to ask that all important question; I'm I really living a fulfilled life or not?

If you take a careful look at yourself, you will probably come to the same conclusion that you are greater than who you are right now. The question now would be, how to bring out that greater self that is in you. It is in discovering and releasing the greater self in you that you enjoy fulfillment. We all aspire to have a fulfilled life. We all dream of living life to the full. That journey has to start with you acknowledging the fact that you are greater than what you are presently seeing of yourself.

Another variation of this truth is that you are greater than what you have done. We all have done something in our lives that we are proud of. Yet some have not done much in that regard. But we tend to want to relax on our oars, especially when we feel that we have done somethings that others have not done. The temptation to take a back seat and enter into a comfort zone is all ever great.

"No matter who you are, no matter what you did, no matter where you've come from, you can always change, become a better version of yourself." -- Madonna

When we challenge ourselves with the thought that we are greater than what you have done, then we make it more difficult for ourselves to take a back seat. We could then realize that no matter the height and size of what we have done, there is always room for greater achievements. So friends, you are greater than what you have done. Have you done anything at all? How much have you done? Do you think most achievements of your life have already been accomplished? Are they still in front of you? No matter the answer you give, the fact still remains that you are greater than what you have done.

"Don't compromise yourself. You're all you've got." -- Janis Joplin

As said earlier, you need to look inside yourself and search for those greater things you can still do. There are greater achievements in you. There are greater heights in front of you. There is a greater glory hidden in you. There is a greater beauty in your destiny. There is a brighter future ahead of you. You are greater than what you are right now and you are greater than what you have done.

Talking about tips to self-fulfilment, it is essential that we lay the foundation of self-fulfilment as we have just done above. Another aspect of self-fulfilment that I want to talk about is that God in his wisdom has decided to make us in his image and likeness. As God's image and likeness, we are to operate on the earth to some extent like God himself. Our God is an infinite God, meaning that He is everlasting. He doesn't go on retirement.

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk on that for a moment. It is understandable why God would not go on retirement because he doesn't get tired. He doesn't have a body so he doesn't need rest. He doesn't get old so he doesn't need vacation. But how could all that relate to us who are mere mortals, who get tired, who get older by the day? Don't we need retirement? That is an aspect of God that we all could actually explore.

Yes, God showed us that on earth while we are operating the laws of nature, those laws must still be observed. God himself showed us the example by taking a day out to rest on the seventh day of creation. That should tell us that God recognizes the need for men to recuperate through rest, vacation and indeed retirement. When it comes to retirement however, I think retirement from an occupation or a government job is totally different from retirement from work all together. A careful look at the heroes of the Bible tells us that they do not recognise retirement as we do today.

"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life.' -Robert Louis Stevenson

Abraham who was a friend of God, could not be said to have retired per se. Retirement for the heroes of the Bible comes mainly as eternal rest. In that way, a person keeps on evolving all throughout his life on earth. That means, I and you could actually keep on fulfilling ourselves till we leave this earth. If we were to retire from all forms of work, then we would be retiring from the process of fulfilment. Fulfilment and creativity, are supposed to be continuous in every person's life as along as he or she is alive.

What I am trying to say is that, we need to think of fulfilment in terms of a life time project. We are bigger than what we are, we are greater than we are right now. Meaning that greatness could keep on manifesting itself in us as long as we are alive. We are greater than what we have done. That tells us also that no matter what we have done as long as we have breath in our nose, we could still keep doing even greater and greater things. Fulfilment is a life time project. That is why the heroes of the Bible did not retire from fulfilment.

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." - Confucius

Sunday Adelaja is a Nigerian born leader, transformation strategist, pastor and innovator. He was based in Ukraine.

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