Liberia: Cummings' ANC and Freeman's Movement for Progressive Change Condemn Suspension of Lta Board, Term It 'Gangster-Style Maneuvers'

Monrovia — Two major opposition political parties, in a joint press conference Wednesday, have termed President Joseph Nyumah Boakai's decision to suspend Commissioners at the Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA) as an action executed with a disregard reminiscent of gangster-style maneuvers.

The press conference, which was held at the headquarters of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), was graced by the senior partizan of the both parties, including ANC's chairperson, Atty. Lafayette Horatio Gould and Mr. Simeon Freeman of the Movement for Progressive Change (MPC).

They informed the gathering that the interview was with with the knowledge of the leader of the ANC, Mr. Alexander B. Cummings, but he couldn't attend due to to illness. However, they are optimistic that he will be in the next press conference regarding their reaction to President Boakai's one hundred day deliverables.

The both parties noted that they cannot and will not stand idly and watch the Constitution, the cornerstone of Liberia's democracy, remain aflout by the Unity Party led-government.

The two parties said that the action by the President to suspend tenured Commissioners at the LTA have raised alarming questions about their collective commitment to the rule of law and the principles that underpin the democratic society.

"It has come to our attention that in a move that starkly contrasts with the values we hold dear, the President has taken steps to remove tenured members of the government" they noted.

Addressing the press conference, MPC political leader, Mr. Freeman said that the action of the President comes merely two days after the Supreme Court explicitly directed a cessation of such practices.

According to him, this brazen defiance not only undermines the judiciary's authority but also threatens the very fabric of the governance.

"As the opposition, we wish to make it unequivocally clear: while our role is to provide constructive criticisms and to work collaboratively for the betterment of our nation, we cannot and will not stand idly by as the Constitution -- the cornerstone of our democracy is flouted" Mr. Freeman pointed out.

He explained that their commitment to democracy demands that they hold those in power accountable, ensuring that the rule of law is not only respected but upheld.

"We hereby call upon the President to adhere to the Supreme Court's directives, to immediately retract these unwarranted actions, and to ensure that any changes in government positions are conducted within the legal framework that governs us all" he urged.

He lamented that failure to do so not only disrespects the Judicial Branch of our government but also signals a dangerous departure from democratic norms.

"Let it be known, our resolve to challenge these actions--both legally and politically--is unwavering. The respect for the rule of law is not optional; it is the bedrock upon which our society stands" he noted.

Mr. Freeman further warned that any attempt to undermine this foundation will be met with the full force of our commitment to democracy and justice.

"We stand together, united in our dedication to the principles of fairness, legality, and democratic governance.

We urge the President to reconsider his course, to respect the rulings of our courts, and to act in the best interest of all citizens, ensuring that our democracy remains strong and unassailable" he concluded.

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