Mozambique: Terrorists Driven Back From Macomia

Rwandan security forces alongside their Mozambican counterparts and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) forces in Cabo Delgado (file photo)

Magude — The Mozambican defence and security forces have driven back the islamist terrorists who, on Friday morning, attacked the town of Macomia in the northern province of Cabo Delgado.

According to President Filipe Nyusi, speaking during the inauguration of a solar power station in Magude district, Maputo province, the battle in Macomia lasted for 45 minutes. The terrorists entered the town in the middle of the night, but met fierce resistance from the defence forces, which forced them to retreat.

"The terrorists were entering Macomia at around 04.0, but they met with strong resistance from our young people which lasted for between 40 and 45 minutes', said Nyusi. "The terrorists retreated, but about 50 minutes later, they once again forced their entry into the district'.

He added that the Mozambican forces captured some of the terrorists, and promised that they will be held responsible for the murders and destruction they have committed.

Nyusi praised the courage of the young Mozambican soldiers fighting terrorism in Cabo Delgado, ensuring that, despite the withdrawal of the SADC Military Mission in Mozambique (SAMIM), the Mozambican armed forces are ready to respond to terrorist attacks.

"We are at a moment of transition in the Northern Operational Theatre, with the departure of the troops from friendly countries, but I hope that we are managing to organise ourselves, and give the due response', the President declared.

Most of the contingents of the SAMIM member countries have now withdrawn, but South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has promised that South African troops will remain in Cabo Delgado until the end of the year.

Tanzanian forces are also remaining, but under a bilateral agreement between Mozambique and Tanzania, rather than as part of SAMIM. Rwandan troops are also supporting the Mozambican forces under a bilateral arrangement.

A statement from the Defence Ministry said that a terrorist leader, named only as "Issa', had been captured during the Macomia fighting, but later died of his injuries.

The Ministry statement claimed there were no reports of any deaths or injuries among the Mozambican defenders.

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