Nigeria: NLC, TUC Picket Electricity Agencies' Offices in Sokoto Over Tariff Hike

NLC and TUC are demanding that the federal government (FG) roll back the increased electricity tariffs

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) took to the streets on Monday, picketing the Kaduna Electric Distribution Company (KAEDCO) and the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) in Sokoto State in response to the recent hike in electricity tariffs.

In accordance with directives from their national headquarters, the NLC and Trade Union Congress (TUC) organised the picketing, demanding that the federal government (FG) roll back the increased electricity tariffs.

At various locations, including Kaduna Road, Birnin-Kebbi Road, Tudun-Wada, Unguwar-Rogo, and Round Mai-Ruwa areas, members of the unions locked the gates and sent staff and customers out of the offices.

Speaking to journalists, Abdullahi Aliyu, NLC chairperson in the state, said the protest would continue until their demands were met by the government.

"We are resolute in our commitment to the directives from the national headquarters.

"We will not retreat until the unjust burden on Nigerians is alleviated. The continuous imposition of policies that exacerbate economic hardships is unacceptable," Mr Aliyu stated.

Ibrahim Abubakar, the state TUC chairman, highlighted the plight of ordinary citizens struggling to afford the increased electricity tariffs.

"We cannot overlook that Nigerians are paying more for electricity services they scarcely enjoy.

"The Federal Government must reverse this decision and alleviate the suffering of the people," Mr Abubakar said.

During the protest, members of the unions displayed placards with messages such as: "We say no to Tyranny: Let the poor breathe" and "Cyber Security Tax is a Sham," among others.


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