Nigeria: Constitute Varsities' Governing Boards in Two Weeks or We Shut Down - ASUU to Tinubu

Members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), on Tuesday, berated President Bola Tinubu over what they described as "non-chalant attitude" towards university education in the country.

The university lecturers specifically faulted the 35 per cent salary increment for professors and the 25 per cent salary increment for other academics in the university system.

They spoke through their President, Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, at a press briefing at the headquarters of their union located in University of Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, on Tuesday.

The briefing was to convey the resolutions from their National Executive Council meeting that was held at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, during weekend.

The varsity teachers wondered why the minimum wage was yet to be considered by the President, saying the recent salary increment was not different from wage award that could be withdrawn by the government anytime it deems fit.

Osodeke also flayed the prolonged delay in the appointment of governing councils for federal universities by the federal government, insisting that the union had given the Tinubu-led federal government enough time to set things in motion.

Daily Trust reports that the National Universities Commission had o(NUC) n June 22, 2023, announced the dissolution of governing councils of all federal universities and boards of other agencies and parastatals in the country.

Speaking on the development at the briefing, ASUU president described the dissolution of governing councils as "illegal", arguing that the move was against the principles guiding existing universities.

The union leader said, "The union was also concerned over the failure of the Federal Government to appoint members of Governing Councils for federal-owned universities. The dissolution of the governing councils was illegal as it was against the principles guiding the existing universities."

ASUU also tackled the government for failing to implement the FG/ASUU 2009 agreement reached with the government in 2021, adding that the salaries of its members are still being paid using the Integrated Personnel and Payroll Information System (IPPIS).

"The platform, with all its encumbrances, is used to pay our members under the disguise of the "New IPPIS" contrary to the understanding reached at the 11th January, 2024 stakeholders' meeting held at the National Universities Commission (NUC)," he said.

ASUU president disclosed that members of the union would reconvene its NEC in two weeks to assess the situation and take a decisive step.

He added, "We, therefore, restate our demand for reinstating Governing Councils whose tenures are yet to elapse and reconstitute those whose tenures had elapsed so that our universities can run in accordance with their laws.

"ASUU shall do all within its powers to ensure that the dignity of the academia is fully restored in line with practices obtainable in forward-looking climes.

"NEC shall reconvene after two weeks from the date of the NEC meeting to review the situation and take decisive action to address the issues.

"So, Nigerians should hold the Federal and State governments responsible if the matter is allowed to snowball into an avoidable industrial crisis."

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