Nigeria: Ex-Beauty Queen Spearheads Environmental Awareness Project in Lagos

The ex-beauty queen says the focus is on the highly impressionable younger generation.

Nigeria's waning environmental awareness sparked calls for solutions to mitigate the societal consequences of pollution, resource depletion, and climate change impacts.

However, a non-profit, the Aurora International Charity Foundation, founded by former beauty queen Tomi Salami, is leading the charge.

Ms Salami, the 2012 Miss Tourism Nigeria, is a leading voice for clean energy, climate action, and environmental protection through her non-profit.

In her continued advocacy efforts, on Saturday, in Lagos, she told PREMIUM TIMES she will unveil an initiative designed to elevate environmental awareness in Nigeria and across Africa.

The project, 'Catch Them Young: Environmental Awareness Convention 2024,' will launch on Thursday and target high school students in Lagos State.

The project aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) concerning Sanitation, clean energy, climate action, and environmental protection. It is scheduled for launch at the J.F Ade Ajayi Auditorium, University of Lagos.

The innovative project's unveiling follows the success of her previous endeavours in Lagos and other states of Nigeria.

Ms Salami, a social entrepreneur, says she has positively impacted over 30,000 adults, youths, and children in Nigeria through various platforms focusing on education, welfare, empowerment, and health via her organisation.

Catch Them Young

Ms Salami, who also served as the project coordinator, emphasised that the focus was on the highly impressionable younger generation.

She said, "We strongly believe that pioneering an environmentally conscious foundation for children early in life will bring about far-reaching success that will spread further and last longer, thus establishing children as young Environmental Ambassadors for their various communities."

She noted that Lagos maintains a formidable position as one of Africa's premier destinations for business, culture, tourism, politics, entertainment, hospitality, sports, and beyond.

"We must engage in activities that creatively and succinctly educate and inspire citizens to become environmentally conscious, fostering a sense of responsibility to our planet.

She stated that the environmental convention will feature engaging and interactive sessions led by expert speakers and industry stakeholders, alongside ecological activists, celebrities, and prominent figures in Nigeria for inspiration.

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