The African Development Bank Strengthens Capacities of Civil Society Organisations to Access Africa Climate Change Fund Resources

24 May 2024
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

The first in a series of training sessions for African civil society organisations (CSOs) on accessing resources of the Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) was held on 17 May 2024. The online session was organised by the African Development Bank (AfDB), which established the fund in 2014. The session was very well attended. More than 1400 CSOs from all over Africa attended, demonstrating the strong commitment of African citizens to climate action.

Designed to equip African CSOs with the knowledge and skills they need to access funding from the Africa Climate Change Fund and timed to prepare for the launch of the fourth call for proposals, the information and learning session explored the specifics of the fund's processes and application platform. It highlighted the fund's objectives and areas of intervention, eligible beneficiaries (African governments, research institutions, regional organisations, civil society organisations and the private sector) and how to apply for funding on the dedicated online platform.

Civil society activists welcomed the meeting. They stressed the need for more training sessions for other trust funds, and pointed out the harmony between the Bank's objectives and civil society's expectations. "Many civil society organisations across the continent have the capacity, expertise and commitment to support the African Development Bank's climate action programme," said Mithika Mwenda, Executive Director of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance, speaking on behalf of the participating organisations.

"The catalytic resources of the Africa Climate Change Fund have proven their value in making grants available to African countries for preparatory projects to expand access to climate finance," said Gareth Phillips, Head of the Environment and Climate Finance Division at the Bank.

"Through its fourth call for proposals, the Fund will welcome projects from African stakeholders, including civil society organisations and NGOs with innovative approaches and high potential impacts for the reduction of methane emissions," Mr Phillips said.

The training sessions for CSOs are part of the Bank's strategy to familiarize these organisations with Bank procedures and processes, so that they can access critical resources and make a tangible difference in their communities. The Bank is committed to continuing to provide training opportunities and to facilitating access to funding for CSOs engaged in climate action initiatives on the continent.

For information on future training sessions and funding from the Africa Climate Change Fund:

Media contact: Communication and External Relations Department, [email protected]

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