Nigeria: Delta LG Poll - Edon Backs Agbateyiniro

27 May 2024

Ahead of the Delta Local Government Areas polls in July, an aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, for Warri South Local Government Council, Monoyo Edon, has backed Isaac Oritseweyinmi Agbateyiniro, the party's standard bearer for the election.

Edon, in a statement, said he was satisfied with the party's leaders and stakeholders decision, stressing that he would work in line with their interest.

He hailed his supporters, saying he was proud of their commitment and resilience into sell his project to the people.

The statement reads: "On the July 10, 2023, when I declared publicly to run for the chairmanship seat of Warri South Local Government under my great party, PDP, little did I know how the journey would pan out.

"I came into the race on the back of modest capacities as Special Assistant to former governors Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan and Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, state chairman of the Niger Delta Youth Movement, NDYM, and as Ifiekporo community Image Maker.

"Belief and hope carried me thus far -Belief, because when one aspires to achieve anything, if God and the cosmos align in your favour, you can reach any height and I entered this race to win; not to test the waters as some people had mocked. Most young people are assumed to enter political contests just to test the waters. But I am glad to have changed that narrative for the youth of Warri. I was prepared to see this contest to the end.

"Hope on the otherhand because my party encourages young people to participate in politics. In fact, our governor, Sheriff Oborevwori, has been hugely accommodating of young people in his government and affairs of our party as encapsulated in the second item of his M.O.R.E Agenda; Opportunities for All.

"However, man proposes but God disposes. It is only God who gives power. I want to use this medium to inform my teeming supporters, admirers and friends that our Greater Warri Project (GWP) has submitted to the will of the Warri South Leaders who have picked Oritseweyinmi Agbateyiniro as the candidate for the PDP ahead of the Delta LGA polls in July.

"At the blast of the final whistle signaling the end of a keenly contested football match, opposing players exchange jerseys, hug one another and move on. It is on this note I congratulate my elder brother Agbas (as we fondly call him) on beating all of us to the ticket of our party. We are one big family and I respect the decision of our leaders and stakeholders.

"I appeal to my well wishers, friends and supporters not to feel offended by my decision because there are better days ahead. I am proud of the commitment and resilience we put in to sell our project. You all are the real MVPs. It may not be our turn today but certainly nobody knows what tomorrow holds for all us. I will also be here to support your dreams and aspirations."

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