Liberia: Ex-VP Taylor Escapes Unharmed After Vehicle Attacked in Paynesville

Former Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor

Monrovia — Former Vice President Jewel Howard-Taylor has alarmed that while traveling through the Duport Road community her vehicle was subjected to a targeted attack, resulting in the destruction of the car's rear windshield.

In a statement issue following the incident, the ex-VP said Saturday's attack marks the escalation in the challenges facing her, amid repeated concerns about her security to the current administration of President Joseph Boakai.

"This assault marks escalation in the challenges facing former Vice President Howard-Taylor, who has repeatedly expressed concerns about her security to the current administration. Despite her numerous requests for enhanced protection from the Executive Protection Service, her appeals have remained largely unaddressed. This incident is not only a direct threat to her personal safety but also a disturbing indication of the broader security challenges ordinary citizens in Liberia face daily," a statement said.

Despite her numerous requests for enhanced protection from the Executive Protection Service, Madam Howard-Taylor said her appeals have remained largely unaddressed.

"It is particularly distressing to note that since the new administration took over, there has been insufficient support in terms of security for me."

Madam Howard-Taylor said no official or security vehicles have been provided, leaving her insufficiently protected. "This raises serious concerns about the commitment to the safety of individuals who have served at the highest levels of government," she added.

The former Vice President said she will remain a steadfast advocate for peace and democratic integrity throughout her career, and it is with profound concern that the lack of security arrangements provided to her by the current government led by President Boakai.

"This oversight is in stark contrast to the state security protections extended to former government officials, including President Boakai and former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, during the tenure of former President George Weah and Vice President Howard-Taylor," she added.

Madam Howard-Taylor called on the Liberian National Police to intensify their efforts to apprehend and bring to justice those responsible for this act, adding "it is imperative that the government addresses this grave lapse in security measures and ensures the safety of all its citizens, including public figures and former officials."

She, therefore, expressed her gratitude for the outpouring of support from the public and reiterates her commitment to the democratic values and the rule of law. She urges all Liberians to remain vigilant and to support efforts to maintain peace and security within the nation.

Efforts by FrontPageAfrica to contact the director of Executive Protection Service, Sam Gaye, proved fruitless up to press time.

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