Liberia: AFL Bids Farewell to Distinguished U.S. Officers Lt. Col. Trish Basile

MONROVIA — The Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) recently, bid farewell to an outstanding officer, Lt. Col. Trish A. Basile of the United States Army, for a job well done during her tour of duty in Liberia.

During a farewell ceremony held in the Chief of Staff's Conference Room at AFL Headquarters, Brig. Gen. Forleh, Chief of Staff (COS) of the AFL, thanked Lt. Col. Basile for her hard work. He mentioned that the AFL will miss her contributions, which have significantly advanced the AFL as an entity.

The COS also wished her God's blessings on her new assignment. He expressed hope that her replacement will continue her legacy, potentially elevating the AFL to greater heights. Finally, the COS extended his regards to Lt. Col. Basile's family.

Speaking at the farewell ceremony, the Minister of National Defense, Brig. Gen. Geraldine J. George (Rtd), praised Lt. Col. Basile for her exceptional service to the AFL during her tenure in Liberia.

"Let me use this opportunity to formally thank you for helping to make the AFL 'A Force for Good' with your numerous ideas, suggestions, and pieces of advice while I was Deputy Chief of Staff of the AFL. On weekends, you were always ready to assist in making decisions that benefited the AFL. Even now, at the level of the Ministry of National Defense, you still pass by sometimes to render professional assistance," the Minister said.

In her remarks, Lt. Col. Basile thanked the AFL for the opportunity to work with them and expressed that she would greatly miss the smooth working relationship she enjoyed with both the AFL and the Ministry of National Defense during her tour of duty in Liberia.

Lt. Col. Basile's insights into Liberia's political and military affairs allowed her to form a strong relationship between the United States Department of Defense and the AFL.

She led and coordinated several pivotal events between the AFL and the U.S. Department of Defense and supported multiple high-level strategic events, particularly the free, fair, and peaceful 2023 General and Presidential Elections.

She ensured that the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, Amb. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, had the opportunity to engage with the AFL Peacekeepers upon their return from Mali. Additionally, Lt. Col. Basile coordinated a high-level visit of U.S. Generals from Capstone to meet with their AFL and MOD counterparts, showcasing the unique strength of the AFL and Department of Defense partnership.

Lt. Col. Basile's tireless efforts to improve the relationship between the AFL and the Department of Defense reflect great credit upon herself and underscore the strength of the U.S.-Liberia military relationship.


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