Ghana: Arise Ghana Describes Godfred Dame As 'Minister of Injustice'

Our Minister of Justice is better off referred as Minister of Injustice

The Arise Ghana movement is demanding the dismissal of Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame, labelling him a 'minister of injustice' due to his alleged misconduct in the NDC audio conversation involving Dame and Richard Jakpa in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial.

In a press statement dated Wednesday, May 29, Bernard Mornah, the leader of the movement said Godfred Dame's conduct is unthinkable and should not be accepted.

"AriseGhana is compelled to join the numerous calls for Mr Godifred Dame to be relieved of his duties as the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice now considering the fact that he has become a Minister for Injustice rather than a Minister for Justice. His conduct demonstrates clearly that he can not do good to all manner of persons as enjoined by his Oath of Office," according to the statement.

The Arise Ghana Movement warned that the legal profession is at serious risk if Godfred Dame remains in office and calls President Akufo-Addo to sack the Attorney-General.

"If the man supposed to be the leader of the bar can desecrate the ethics of the bar in this manner and fashion, then the bar is in grave danger if he continues to lead it. We therefore call on the President to sack Mr Godfred Dame without any further delay to restore some confidence in the office of Attorney-General as well as the Bar of Ghana," the group stated.

This follows the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on Tuesday, May 28 revealing an alleged 16-minute phone conversation between Attorney-General Godfred Yeboah Dame and the third accused, Richard Jakpa, in which Dame is heard asking Jakpa to make false accusations against Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson to secure his imprisonment in the ongoing ambulance purchase trial.

The National Patriotic Party has however described the NDC's alleged audio phone conversation between Godfred Dame and Richard Jakpa as doctored.

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