Liberia: MOJ Can't Account for Over U.S.$600,000

Credible report reaching this paper has it that the Ministry of Justice is unable to account for the over US$600,000 allotted in the 2022-2023 budget during the George Weah-led government for the purchasing of vehicles for County Attorneys who are out of the country.

Acording to report, the money was part of the Ministry of Justice's budget approved by the lawmakers for the operations of the Ministry but some County Attorneys who spoke on condition of anonymity are pointing fingers at the former Solicitor General, Nyanti Tuan who they claimed to have received the money but failed to purchase the cars for the fifteenth counties.

When contacted on the issue of the over US$600,000 via mobile phone, former Solicitor General Nyanti Tuan denied receiving said amount even though it was allotted for but that was a ghost allotment.

"I did not receive any money allotted for prosecution vehicles though it was approved by the lawmakers. When you are in government not everything you can talk about," Cllr. Tuan told this news outlet.

One of the Prosecutors told this paper that they have to use their personal fund for the operations of their offices which is making it difficult for them and their family to survive.

"I risking my life on a daily basis for this government work on motorbike here and there to get to work passing by family members of people that we are prosecuting which put my life in danger," one the County Attorneys explained with sadness.

Another County Attorney expressed his dissatisfaction with the current Justice Minister by questioning the capacity of the Minister to handle affairs of the Ministry.

"Mr. Minister, you need to understand that Prosecutors are your direct representatives in the counties because since your ascendancy, you have not placed a call to us to know some of those challenges we are going through," another Prosecutor said.

In his response to claims and counterclaims concerning the controversial US$600,000, Justice Minister Oswald Tweh could not confirm nor deny the allotment of said money.


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