Uganda: Museveni Warns Civil Servants Against Corruption

Guards and pedestrians stand outside the entrance to the parliamentary building in Kampala, Uganda’s capital.

President Yoweri Museveni has reiterated his detest for corrupt officials.

While officiating at second graduation ceremony of the National Defence College (NDC) Uganda on Saturday, the president declared war on corrupt government officials .

"I am here at NDC Uganda to launch the fight for corruption. The politicians and those in the public service have eaten up our country, they misuse financial resources, fuel, even food," Museveni said.

"Since they're a small group they are easy to deal with, we shall crash them because they sabotage our economy and service delivery."

Museveni who likened the corrupt officials in his government to a housefly falling in a cup of tea, revealed that in Ankole, that tea is poured.

"We are ready to crash everyone. If a leaf falls in tea we just remove it but if a fly falls in the tea, we shall pour it. The corrupt are the flies and we shall pour them away," Museveni threatened.

He said the rampant corruption has triggered people to seek foreign aid which he stressed that Uganda doesn't need

" I hear one talking of foreign aid, I just go and sleep. The country doesn't want foreign aid, but the problem is you the corrupt. The UPDF is somehow good but it has a few and we shall finish up them," he said.

In what appeared like sending a signal the president said he will give much detail about his fight against corruption in the State of the Nation Address on June, 6.

The president who passed out 21 senior officers, commended the defence colleges in the country for undertaking the professionalism of the army officers to promote the country's security.

He said the training schools are exposures of everything and pledged to make them centers of excellence.

" Uganda's defence colleges are attracting other individuals from foreign countries. They come from different countries to study from here and they are paying for these facilities," he added.

He directed UPDF to uplift the standards of all army training schools to be centres of excellence not forgetting infrastructure.

The 21 graduates joined the college on June 5, 2023, and successfully completed their course on June 1, 2024.

These included two lady officers; Col Dr. Victoria Nekesa a Member of parliament representing UPDF, Col Sylvia Memme and a civilian Arthur Blick Kamya who is an Assistant Commissioner in the Ministry of Defence Veteran affairs.

Maj Gen Francis Okello, the college commandant, said the senior officers showcased diligent and positive attitude and commitment not only to learn but also to share experiences amongst themselves.

"Today marks another huge milestone in the journey of the college. We are graduating another cohort who diligently spent their time here with a very positive attitude and commitment not only to learn but also to share experiences amongst themselves," said Maj Gen Okello.

"I am happy to report that all NDC course members successfully completed the National Security and strategic studies course (the NDC Course) and have also passed all the exams of the first part of their Masters in Security Strategy programme of Makerere University and will, after leaving NDC continue to complete their research paper for awards of the Masters degree," he said.

"The success we are registering today in sending out these prepared, committed and ideologically conscious senior officers to make their contribution in securing Uganda's future is because of all your collective efforts."

Participants are awarded certificates in national security strategic studies (NSSS) and a national defence college - Uganda badge.

The NSSS runs for 11 months while the Masters of Security Strategy (MASS) takes two years.

The best overall student was former UPDF spokesperson Col. Paddy Ankunda.

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