Nigeria: Blackout Across Nigeria As Striking Workers Shut Down National Grid - TCN

The TCN said the national grid shutdown occurred at about 2.19 a.m., 3rd June

The Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) says its workers' union has shut down the national grid, resulting in a nationwide blackout.

The TCN General Manager, Public Affairs, Ndidi Mbah, disclosed this in a statement Monday.

Ms Mbah said the national grid shutdown occurred at about 2.19 a.m. on Monday.

"The Transmission Company of Nigeria hereby informs the general public that the Labour Union has shut down the national grid, resulting in a blackout nationwide. The national grid shutdown occurred at about 2.19 a.m. this morning, 3rd June 2024," she said.

She said at about 1:15 a.m., the Benin Transmission Operator under the Independent System Operations unit of TCN reported that all operators were driven away from the control room and that staff that resisted were beaten while some were wounded in the course of forcing them out of the control room and without any form of control or supervision, the Benin Area Control Center was brought to zero.

"Other transmission substations that were shut down by the Labour Union include the Ganmo, Benin, Ayede, Olorunsogo, Akangba and Osogbo Transmission Substations. Some transmission lines were equally opened due to the ongoing activities of the labour union," she added.

On the power-generating side, she explained that some power-generating units from different generating stations were forced to shut down.

She added that the Jebba generating station was forced to shut down one of its generating units while three others in the same substation subsequently shut down at very high frequency.

"The sudden forced load cuts led to high frequency and system instability, which eventually shut down the national grid at 2:19 a.m.

"At about 3.23 a.m., however, TCN commenced grid recovery, using the Shiroro substation to attempt to feed the transmission lines supplying bulk electricity to the Katampe Transmission Substation," she said.

She noted that the situation is such that the labour union is still obstructing grid recovery nationwide.

"We will continue to make efforts to recover and stabilise the grid to enable the restoration of normal bulk transmission of electricity to distribution load centres nationwide," she said.

The Strike

Nigeria's labour unions on Monday commenced a nationwide strike amid uncertainties.

The nationwide strike was declared by the unions to compel the government to agree on a new minimum wage for workers and review the increase in the price of electricity for some consumers.

On Sunday, a meeting between representatives of the federal government, leadership of the National Assembly, and officials of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) over the proposed national minimum wage ended in deadlock.

The meeting which began around 5:50 p.m. and ended at 8:45 p.m. held behind closed doors at the National Assembly complex, Abuja.

Earlier on Friday, the NLC and the TUC declared a total indefinite strike.

The unions expect numerous other workers' unions, including those of doctors, university lecturers, airport workers, and electricity workers to join in.

In a notice issued on Saturday regarding the indefinite nationwide strike, the General Secretary of NLC, Emmanuel Ugboaja, urged all affiliated bodies to mobilise their members for full compliance with the industrial action directive.

Mr Ugboaja emphasised the importance of ensuring a comprehensive closure of all workplaces, noting that the success of the strike hinged on the collective determination and resolve of their members.

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