Liberia: SDA High School Class of 1997/ 1998 Gave Back to Alma Mater

press release

Monrovia — The Class of 1997/1998 of the Seventh Day Adventist High School (SDA) on Camp Johnson Road has returned to its alma mater to give back to the school and the next generation of Liberian students.

The Class of Dove has constructed and dedicated a well-equipped library on the school's campus in Monrovia with the estimated cost of US$20,000.00.

Between 2022 and 2023, the group visited and carried on series of assessments at the school campus to ascertain what project would benefit the students, after their multiple assessments, the class decided that the students would greatly benefit from a well-equipped library.

The Class of Dove also provided over six thousand books for elementary through 12 grades, whilst school supplies already shipped from the US to Liberia.

The Dove Class began the construction of the Library 2023 and completed in March 2024 and dedicated to the school on Friday, April 26th, 2024, to the delight of students, administrative staff and members of the school's Alumni Association, though this project was independent of the SDA High School Alumni Association.

The group cited that although the primary destination for the books was SDA High School, but the books shipped to Liberia ended up in three counties; Montserrado, Bong and River Gee.

Speaking during the dedication ceremony, the president of the Dove class association, Mr. Augustine Sheriff, admonished students of the institution and members of the Dove Class to cultivate what he calls the spirit of benevolence.

He, at the same time, indicated that the current students and members of the Dove Class that doing little acts of kindness for others could lead to a beautiful example for future leaders to put Liberia and Liberians first and less focus on themselves.

"It is the hope of the Dove Class that its example to give back to the school and subsequently Liberia, would encourage other classes past and future, and member of the SDA High Alumni Association to do more for the school and for Liberia as a whole" Mr. Sheriff noted.

"The class of 1997/1998, nicknamed "The Dove", was a class like no other, it was very apparent that this class was destined for greatness. One thing that was very clear on the minds of members of this class was that they were tired of war; it was this tiredness of war that motivated the class to choose the Dove as its class mascot, symbolizing the peace the class yearned for. This was a class of teens, who despite civil unrest, and youngsters who had witnessed unspeakable acts of horror enough to scare them for life yet remained resilient and determined to advance themselves academically. Despite the brutal reality of war and the class rising up right on the heels of the infamous April 6 war of 1996, the class went on to set a school and national record that is yet to be repeated in the history of the WAEC Exams.

"Never had a school produced the top three highest achieving students in the national exams, a feat only credited to SDA High School Dove Class of 97/98. History would go on to record that from this class would come doctors, pharmacists, mental health professionals, politicians, lawyers, law enforcement personnel, and above all, great men and women making a difference in their respective communities at home and abroad.

When it is all said and done, the Dove class of 97/98 will be remembered for its cohesiveness, its dedication to impacting the next generation of students and future leaders of Liberia."

With all of the accomplishments of members of this class, both in their personal and professional lives, there is one thing that distinguishes this class from others - the spirit of philanthropism and benevolence.

While they were just teens in school the Dove class was determined to make a difference in their school. For their class project, the class ambitiously chose to renovate the school's cafeteria. Even though this was well intended because of the need that existed then, unfortunately, the class was unable to complete the project due to the lack of funding," he said

Nonetheless, the class remained united in goal and purpose, not forgetting its promise to their alma mater.

In 2014, with the help of technology, members of the class united using the power of social media, this was the genesis of the Facebook page SDA Dove Class '97/98.

The ultimate purpose of the page was not just to keep in touch but to bring all Doves together in hopes of fulfilling a promise they made to the school and student body that they were unable to fulfil decades earlier.

With this goal in mind, the class established a governing body primarily in the United States and elected Augustine Sheriff, the class valedictorian as president of the Dove organization.

Though the organization originated in the US, a local chapter was established in Liberia to bring members of the class in Liberia on board.

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