Nigeria: Rumour of Bandits Planning to Invade Abuja Not True - CP

The FCT Commissioner of Police (CP), Benneth Igweh, has said that the rumours in some quarters that bandits are planning to invade Abuja to abduct residents is false.

Mr Igweh, who spoke with newsmen at the command's headquarters on Monday while reacting to a publication by some media outlets, said investigation by the command showed that there was no such attempt to invade the FCT.

He said the command had made necessary deployments across various blackspots in Abuja and in the satellite towns to tame the activities of criminals, especially bandits and kidnappers.

He further said that the command had deployed its men and officers at both exit and entry points into the nation's capital in case of any criminal elements that might attempt to commit any crime.

Igweh assured that the command was working assiduously to ensure the safety of all residents and avert any intended attack.

He, therefore, urged residents to continue to be vigilant as they went about their lawful businesses without fear from any quarters.

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