Nigeria: Strike - Labour Cuts Water Supply to Senate, House of Reps

Members of the Parliamentary Staff Association of Nigeria (PASAN), an affiliate of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), have shut down the National Assembly in compliance with the indefinite strike declared by the organised labour.

Our correspondent who went to the National Assembly to monitor the situation met the entrance and exit gates blocked with two coastal buses by PASAN.

The organised labour had insisted that its indefinite strike would begin today as planned following the federal government's refusal to increase the minimum wage above N60,000.

Labour, which is demanding N494,000, said this in Abuja last night after a three-hour meeting with the National Assembly leadership and top officials of the Executive arm of government.

Recall that following failure to reach a compromise on a new minimum wage by the tripartite committee set up by the federal government, the organised labour comprising the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC) commenced a nationwide strike today.

Daily Trust reports that electricity and water supply to the two buildings housing the Senate and the House of Representatives as well as other facilities in the National Assembly complex have been shut down by the union.

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