Nigeria: Kefas Warns Taraba Pilgrims Against Carrying Contraband to Saudi Arabia

Governor Agbu Kefas of Taraba State has cautioned the state's intending Muslim pilgrims for this year's Hajj against carrying any contraband items to Saudi Arabia.

The governor issued the warning during his farewell address at the Model Primary School temporary Hajj camp in Jalingo on Sunday.

Represented by his Special Adviser on Islamic Religious Matters, Malam Hussaini Isma'il, Governor Kefas also urged the pilgrims to adhere strictly to the rules and regulations of Saudi Arabia and ensure they perform their religious duties as prescribed by Allah.

He assured the pilgrims that he had made all necessary arrangements to ensure their comfort in the camp, including the provision of medical facilities to look after their health from home to the holy land.

Governor Kefas announced that a dedicated delegation with impeccable character has been appointed as the 2024 Amirul Hajj Team, led by Lamdo Gashaka, HRH Dr Zubairu Hamman Gabdo, to ensure the welfare of the pilgrims in collaboration with officials from the pilgrims' board.

Highlighting the importance the Taraba State government places on religion, Governor Kefas noted that despite limited financial resources, the government is sponsoring 117 individuals to perform this year's Hajj.

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