Nigeria: MSF Overwhelmed By Unprecedented Admissions of Severely Malnourished Children At Facilities in North-East Nigeria

MSF says this is an alarming indication of a premature peak of the lean season and the increase in acute malnutrition that accompanies it, typically anticipated in July.

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders, is overwhelmed by unprecedented numbers of severely malnourished children currently being admitted to its medical facilities in Northern Nigeria

The global humanitarian charity raised this alarm in a statement on Tuesday by its Field Communication Officer in Nigeria, Abdulkareem Yakubu.

According to the statement, MSF in-patient facilities in northern Nigeria have in recent weeks recorded "an extraordinary increase in admissions of severely malnourished children with life-threatening complications, exceeding last year's figures by over 100 per cent in some locations.

"For the MSF teams, this is an alarming indication of a premature peak of the lean season and the increase in acute malnutrition that accompanies it, typically anticipated in July.

"We are resorting to treating patients on mattresses on the floor because our facilities are full. Children are dying. If immediate action is not taken, more lives hang in the balance. Everyone needs to step in to save lives and allow the children of northern Nigeria to grow free from malnutrition and its disastrous long-term if not fatal, consequences," Mr Yakubu quoted MSF's Country Representative in Nigeria, Simba Tirima, as saying.

MSF said humanitarian assistance must be urgently scaled up and "called upon the Nigerian authorities, international organisations and donors to take immediate action to diagnose and treat malnourished children to prevent associated complications and deaths, but also to engage in sustained, long-term initiatives to mitigate the underlying causes of this urgent problem.

"We've been warning about the worsening malnutrition crisis for the last two years. 2022 and 2023 were already critical, but an even grimmer picture is unfolding in 2024. We can't keep repeating these catastrophic scenarios year after year. What will it take to make everyone take notice and act?," Mr Yakubu quoted Mr Tirima as querying in the statement.

In April 2024, MSF said its medical team in Maiduguri, Borno State, admitted 1,250 severely malnourished children with complications to the in-patient therapeutic feeding centre, doubling the figure for April 2023.

"Forced to scale up capacity, by the end of May urgently, the centre accommodated 350 patients, far surpassing the 200 beds initially designated for the peak malnutrition season in July and August.

"Also in the northeast, the MSF-operated facility in Bauchi state's Kafin Madaki hospital recorded a significant 188 per cent increase in admissions of severely malnourished children during the first three months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

"In the northwestern part of the region, in Zamfara state, the inpatient centres in Shinkafi and Zurmi have received up to 30 per cent more monthly admissions in April compared to March. Talata Mafara's facility saw about 20 per cent increase in the same period. Similarly, MSF inpatient facilities in major cities like Kano and Sokoto are also reporting alarming surges, by 75 and 100 per cent, respectively.

"The therapeutic feeding centre in Kebbi state also documented a rise of more than 20 per cent in inpatient admissions from March to April," the MSF decried.

Despite the alarming situation, MSF said the overall humanitarian response remains inadequate, adding that other non-profit organisations active in the north are also overwhelmed.

It recalled that the United Nations and Nigerian authorities issued an urgent appeal in May for $306.4 million to address the pressing nutritional needs in Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe states.

"Yet this will be insufficient, ignoring as it does other parts of northern Nigeria where needs also outweigh the current capacity of the organisations to respond sufficiently."

The statement added that the catastrophic nutritional situation seen in recent years in the region calls for a bigger response.

"The persistently excluded from the formal humanitarian response, reductions in the already limited funding available for the North-west have also dangerously affected the provision of crucial therapeutic and supplementary food."

It added that the supplies were completely unavailable in Zamfara for the first four months of this year and are now only available in lower quantities. "This reduction has meant that it is only possible to provide treatment for more severe malnutrition cases, compromising an effective response that also addresses malnutrition earlier in its progression and avoids exposing children to a higher risk of mortality.

"We are alarmed by the reduction in aid at these critical times. Reducing nutritional support to only severely malnourished children is akin to waiting for a child to become gravely ill before providing care. We urge donors and authorities to increase support urgently for both curative and preventive approaches, ensuring that all malnourished children receive the care they desperately need," MSF warned.

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