Liberia: Truck Kills Three Kids, Injures 7 in Mount Barclay

Police said the truck was moving towards Mount Barclay, Montserrado County, when it ran into a crowd of bystanders witnessing a school's first gala anniversary parade.

Monrovia, June 4, 2024: Police in Monrovia have arrested a truck operator after a fatal road incident killed three students and critically injured seven others during a school parade in Mount Barclay, Montserrado County.

The Liberia National Police has arrested suspect Joseph Sao, who was operating the blue Renault truck that was involved in the tragic road accident at the LMDI Junction in Mount Barclay.

According to Police Spokesperson DCP. Cecelia G. Clarke, the accident occurred on Friday, 31 May 2024, at about noon when the Mount Gilead Foundation School located in Careysburg Community was hosting its first gala anniversary parade.

The report further established that the truck was moving towards Mount Barclay when it ran into a crowd of bystanders witnessing the parade.

The truck injured about 10 persons, three of whom were pronounced dead at medical facilities.

The Fredai Health Center and Remedy Clinic treated the seven injured victims.

Meanwhile, the Blue Renault Truck with plate number T5455 is in the custody of the police while the proprietor of the Mount Gilead Foundation School, Samuel Galamue, 44, is aiding the police in the ongoing investigation.

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The Liberia National Police has expressed its heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved families and urged the public to remain calm as the matter is being investigated.--Press release

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