Liberia: Rep. Kollie Wants Action On Land Restoration and Drought Resilience

Gbarpolu — Bong County Electoral District 5 Representative Eugine J.M. Kollie is calling for the protection and restoration of precious land for future generations.

Speaking at the World Environment Day celebration in Gbarpolu County, Representative Kollie emphasized that land is a vital resource for the present and future. He highlighted its critical role in sustainable development, food security, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity conservation.

"Land is the cornerstone of our future. It holds the key to sustainable development, food security, climate change mitigation, and biodiversity conservation," Rep. Kollie stated.

Since its inception in 1972, World Environment Day has been celebrated globally. This year, the celebration was held on the theme "Accelerating Land Restoration: Drought Resilience and Desertification Progress." According to the lawmaker, this theme underscores the urgent responsibility to protect and restore our land for the benefit of future generations.

"Today, we gather here with a shared vision that recognizes the urgency of addressing land degradation issues worldwide. We cannot turn a blind eye to the alarming rate at which our lands are being degraded by human activities such as deforestation, unsustainable agriculture practices, urbanization pressures, and climate change impacts," Rep. Kollie remarked.

Amidst the challenges, he sees an opportunity to take decisive action toward restoring degraded lands and building resilient ecosystems capable of withstanding droughts and combating desertification. He calls on individuals, communities, organizations, and governments to play a crucial role.

"As your keynote speaker for World Environment Day 2024 Celebration with the slogan 'Our Land Our Future,' I implore each one of you to join hands with me in taking concrete steps towards accelerating restoration efforts," he urges.

Rep. Kollie, also the House of Representatives Chair on Mines, Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment, advocated for increased awareness about preserving healthy ecosystems. He emphasizes the need for education campaigns to highlight sustainable land management practices, including policies that support responsible land use planning while incorporating nature-based solutions into development strategies.

He encourages community involvement in initiatives to rehabilitate degraded lands and empower local communities with the knowledge and resources necessary for sustainable agriculture and reforestation efforts.

Furthermore, he calls for international collaboration to share best practices and create a knowledge exchange network on successful approaches to achieving drought resilience and combating desertification.

"By actively engaging in these actions collectively as individuals, organizations, or countries, we can make significant strides towards ensuring that 'Our Land' remains fertile ground for prosperity rather than becoming barren wastelands devoid of life," Rep. Kollie underscores.

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