Liberia: Chief Justice Sie-Nyene Yuoh Orders Party Litigants Removed From Court Premises Amid Heavy Downpour of Rain

Monrovia — In an unexpected and dramatic move, Chief Justice Sie-Nyene Yuoh Wednesday June 5, ordered court sheriffs to throw party litigants out of the premises of the Temple of Justice, despite a heavy downpour.

Chief Justice Yuoh's decision left many individuals drenched and sparked concerns about the treatment of those seeking justice.

Eye witnesses reported that the removal was swift and unyielding, with no regard for the adverse weather conditions.

This incident raises important questions about the balance between court protocols and humane treatment.

This is not the first time for Chief Justice Yuoh to order Court Sheriffs to throw party litigants out of the courtyard, stating that the courtyard is not a waiting place.

"Put them outside. Whether it's raining or not, push them outside. This is not a waiting area," she stressed.

She also informed the sheriffs and bailiffs to the chief security of the Judiciary, stating that the officers always delay in implementing her 'no standing and waiting orders'.

Following her order, the court officers began to implement it to the fullest, thereby chasing lawyers and party litigants to leave the corridors leading to the Monrovia City Court, something which sparked out huge outcries by some of those who were waiting for the hearing of their cases.

Since her ascendancy as head of the Judiciary, she has ordered court officers not to allow anyone sitting in the courtyard when their cases are not ready or have no business to do at the court.

The Monrovia City Court, which is the court of first instance, has a sitting capacity of just twenty people and there is no waiting area within the court's corridors where party litigants can sit to wait for their case time.

Many of the drenched party litigants lamented the "inhumane action" of the Chief Justice, stressing that she is "over using" her power as Chief Justice.

"If the rain is good for us, why didn't she stop under it? Is she better than us," one of the party litigants questioned?

"She should remember that we gave her the power because we, as citizens, voted for the president who appointed her," another party litigant noted.

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