Liberia: -Koijee warns government - It Could Be Deadly

The former ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) accuses the current administration of harassment, provocations, and humiliation.

Over what they describe as continuous harassment, provocations, and humiliation against their standard bearer, former President George Manneh Weah, former ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) Secretary-General Jefferson Koijee issues a stern warning here to the government that it would launch a deadly retaliation that will destabilize the country if the ruling administration continues to humiliate the former President.

Mr. Koijee's statement comes in the wake of last week's drama at the Roberts International Airport (RIA), in which former President George Weah and his entourage were constrained to use the ordinary passenger terminal after they were allegedly denied access to the VIP Lounge by protocols.

In the aftermath of that situation, SG Koijee warned that tension would erupt here if the government continued to humiliate his political leader, while there were wrongful proceedings of the country and President Boakai remained tight-lipped.

"This situation will get worse and deadly if Boakai's officials continue to misbehave, and we will not resist going back to the usual days, where the government will have to battle us in a rampage," Koijee warns.

According to the former mayor of Monrovia, the ruling Unity Party is crossing lines and displaying attitudes that could push back the days of war, protest, horrors, and tension in the country as they continue to harass and provoke former President Weah, noting their patience is running out.

"This is reaching a point where we CDCians will take further actions that the State will not have security for, and "history will not fall short of what we are capable of doing as a party," Koijee warns.

His statement suggests that the CDC might revert to violence that could destabilize the peace and revert the country on a path of instability.

He adds that continuous humiliation of the former President may lead to provocation that has the propensity to erupt tension in the country.

He warns that if such a scenario reoccurs, the CDC will not resist but rebel against such humiliation, and if it is the only option to hostile the process of democracy, that will be the required and only option.

According to the youthful secretary general, the Unity Party-led government is fostering a hostile environment that threatens the country's democratic progress, reiterating that such actions could lead to political unrest.

"President Boakai cannot damage the peace of this country he took over; if he's unable to lead, let him leave, but we cannot have a President who lacks ability and continues to sit while his supporters provoke another person to erupt tension. We will not sit and allow this to reoccur."

He maintains that President Boakai is proceeding wrongly and seems not to be in charge of the situation due to his inability to speak to critical national issues that have the potential to undermine Liberia's peace and stability.

Authorities at the Roberts International Airport clarify that they have never disrespected the former President or denied him access to airport facilities, explaining in a statement that usage of the VIP Lounge is regulated by the Ministry of State for Presidential Affairs.

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