Liberia: Transport Minister, Transit Authority Boss Summoned Over Hike in Transport Fares

The House of Representatives is concerned about the government's ongoing reforms to improve the transportation sector but amid the rainy season and slight increment of petroleum -- leading, inarguably, the issue of transportation hardship in the country.

Since mid-May, the transportation fares across the country have been increased by about 30% of which the transportation fare from Central Monrovia to Barnesville Junction is L$200.00 and Red Light is L$300.00. These additions also affected Duala to Central Monrovia and Central Monrovia to ELWA Junction and other destinations, respectively.

On Last week Thursday, the Plenary of the House of Representatives summoned the Minister of Transport, Mr. Sirleaf Tyler, and the Managing Director of the National Transit Authority (NTA), Mr. Edmund Forh, to report up Capitol Hill and provide some clarity or insight into the situation. The two officials are to appear before the lawmakers at 11:00 am on Tuesday, 4th June 2024.

Representative Kerkula Muka Kamara of Montserrado County Electoral District #14 initiated the motion for the summons, highlighting citizen inconveniences caused by government restrictions on motorcyclists and tricycles.

"We are concerned about the government-imposed restrictions on motorcyclists and tricycles and the inconveniences and hardships these measures are causing our people. We want to know how soon these will be resolved," Kamara said.

However, the planned appearance of Minister Tyler and Director Forh is aimed at seeking detailed explanations of existing transport policies and the NTA's efforts to provide affordable and accessible transport services to Liberians.

Kamara, the House's Chairman on the Committee on Claims & Petitions, emphasized the necessity for Minister Tyler to provide detailed explanations of the current policies regulating transport activities in the country.

The Montserrado County lawmaker also stressed the need for the House of Representatives to know the status of the NTA's efforts in delivering affordable and accessible transport services to the Liberian populace.

"I am writing to request the indulgence of plenary to invite the Minister of Transport, and the Managing Director of the National Transit Authority (NTA) to speak about the current transport situation within our country.

"Honorable Speaker and members of this noble body, as you may be aware, the current restrictions levied against motorcyclists by the government of Liberia have imposed more inconvenience on the citizens of Liberia," Kamara said.

He added: "Therefore, the Minister of Transport should explain to this honorable body on policy installed to regulate transport activities in the country currently, whereas the Managing Director of the National Transit Authority will speak on the status of the National Transit Authority in delivering affordable and available transport services to the citizenry of Liberia."

Meanwhile, the discussions surrounding this issue underscore the importance of addressing challenges within the transportation sector to enhance the welfare of citizens and ensure efficient and affordable transport services for all.

The forthcoming session is anticipated to shed light on the current transport situation in the country and explore potential solutions to alleviate the burden on commuters.

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