Ghana: President Akufo-Addo Commissions Law House Complex

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has commissioned the Law House complex, whose construction stalled for almost 25 years.

Construction works on the project which started under former President John Agyekum Kufuor's government at 8 million dollars was virtually abandoned until it was resuscitated in 2022 by President Akufo-Addo's administration.

At the commissioning ceremony in Accra on Monday, President Akufo-Addo said the edifice is not just a celebration of a new building but a collective commitment to the rule of law and justice in the country.

He said the importance of the building goes beyond its physical structure but also symbolises the government's strong dedication to upholding the tenets of the rule of law, which is the bedrock of any thriving democracy.

Throughout his tenure as leader of the country, President Akufo-Addo said his administration had made considerable strides in strengthening the rule of law in Ghana.

President Akufo-Addo said his government had also committed itself to improving judicial infrastructure, providing resources to ensure the safety and security of janitors who often face risks in the line of duty.

"My government has made unprecedented progress in the provision of core buildings and residences for judges around the country," he stated.

The President reassured the Ghanaians that the law enforcement agencies of the state, including the Office of the Attorney General, would do all within their power to ensure that law and order prevail in the country at all times, especially during this critical election year.

"We will not allow the peace, security and stability of the nation which has made Ghana a beacon of democracy on the African continent to be compromised on the altar of the ambitions of any political party or presidential candidate," he stated

The laws in the statute books, including those on vigilantism, President Akufo-Addo indicated would be strictly and vigorously enforced to preserve the peace and tranquillity of the country.

"We owe that to the good people of Ghana, who have demonstrated so consistently and openly their deep attachment to peaceful democratic values," he averred.

President Akufo-Addo said as the country looks into the future, "We must remember that the rule of law is not a static concept. It is a living principle that requires constant nurturing and vigilance.

He urged the Judiciary to continue to adapt and evolve the country's legal system to meet the changing needs of society, adding: "But in so doing, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to justice, fairness, and equality for all."

The President said the Attorney-General has shown extensive resourcefulness in leading the construction and delivery of this facility.

The Attorney-General and Ministry of Justice, Godfred Yeboah Dame, on his part said he when assumed office in 2021, the state of completion of the entire works was 36%.

He commended President Akufo-Addo and the former Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta for their passion and allocation of funds to see to the completion of the project.

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