Liberia: MOVEE Confirms Kemayah As Leader Through 2029 Amid Internal Conflict

The National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) has reaffirmed its mandate for Ambassador Dee Maxwell Saah Kemayah to lead the party and provide political direction through the 2029 general and presidential elections in Liberia.

Ambassador Kemayah, former Foreign Affairs Minister under President George Manneh Weah, received this mandate following an emergency meeting at the party's headquarters in Paynesville on June 8.

The resolution, endorsed by executives from all 15 counties, including Montserrado and Bassa Chapters and the National Women and Youth Leagues, confirmed Kemayah's leadership for the six-year term he was elected to in September 2022.

NEC highlighted Kemayah's leadership skills, qualities, and integrity, asserting his suitability to steer MOVEE forward. They declared a vote of absolute confidence in his integrity, professionalism, and leadership, emphasizing his role as a model of transparency and accountability within the party.

"We the members of the National Executive Committee of the Movement for Economic Empowerment (MOVEE) unanimously resolved and here declares a vote of absolute confidence in the wholesome integrity, professionalism, credibility, ability, leadership qualities, and astuteness of His Excellency Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr. and with immediate effect petition and mandates Ambassador Kemayah to guide, lead, and provide political direction for the Movement for Economic Empowerment," MOVEE NEC stated.

NEC noted that Kemayah has never been involved in the financial management of MOVEE, expressing gratitude for his consistent support since the party's formation before the 2017 elections.

The party also condemned the May 14 attack on its headquarters by expelled members, calling it a gross violation of the party's constitution. Those expelled, including former National vice Chair for Administration K. Matthew Shan and others, were accused of actions contrary to MOVEE's principles.

NEC warned Goodrich S. Cheayan, a former member now with the Economic Freedom Fighter of Liberia (EFFL), to stop interfering in MOVEE's activities or face legal action.

"We further stress that the persistent intrusion by Mr. Cheayan into MOVEE activities, if not stop by him, will lead us to no other alternative but to seek legal redress," NEC said.

The National Youth and Women Leagues and other chapters endorsed the expulsions and reaffirmed their support for Kemayah. They condemned the recent actions and statements by expelled officials as fraudulent and irresponsible.

MOVEE also advised the NEC to review and possibly amend the party's constitution to reflect current political realities in Liberia.

In conclusion, MOVEE reaffirmed its commitment to the ideals and values of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) and its Standard Bearer, former President Dr. George Manneh Weah, maintaining its status as a constituent member through the 2029 elections.

Current acting leaders include Prince Mehn, Aston Holder, Jeffery Siafa, and Lee Yarzue for various national and county positions.

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