Liberia: LPP Raises Red Flag On Boakai

The Liberian People Party (LPP) of former Presidential candidate Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe has unearthed early corruption and a series of governance missteps within the Boakai administration.

In light of recent claims by the government regarding its achievements in the first 100 days of leadership, the LPP holds a press conference here, raising concerns and providing recommendations for a better Liberia.

It may be recalled that on Wednesday, October 26, 2023, the LPP endorsed the Unity Party in the run-off election based on its expectation that of the two parties that were in the second round, the UP was the better choice in governing Liberia, consistent with the Party's Ten Points Agenda.

However, the LPP clarifies that it's important to note that its endorsement of the UP was never preceded by any discussion between the two parties on the formation of an alliance or any other political consideration.

According to the Party, it was based purely on national interest, noting that it even lost four of its partisans in the process of campaigning for the UP during the second round of the presidential elections.

The LPP says it is under a moral duty to help the UP to succeed by speaking the truth about its performance.

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Speaking Monday, June 11, 2024 at the Party's headquarters in Congo Town, National Chairman, J. Yanqui Zaza, stated that while the LPP notes with satisfaction some positive steps taken by the government thus far, it has observed many missteps and wishes to highlight a few of them.

He says President Boakai has violated the Public Financial Management Law (PFM) of the country.

"Violation of the PFM Law, President Joseph Nyumah Boakai administration violated PFM Law of 2009, when it requested, and received $80K from the National Social Security and Welfare Corporation (NASSCORP) to purchase vehicles, while former President George Weah was still the President of the Republic of Liberia", he notes.

Additionally, Chairman ZaZa says the government violated the PFM law and concealed US$254M to be borrowed within the current fiscal period.

He continues that the Boakai administration also reported within the National Budget only $US45M as money to be borrowed in 2024, instead of disclosing the actual amount of US$296M.

"LPP needs clarification of the 100-day deliverables, specifically, regarding the evaluation method that the Unity Party used to claim that 74% of major roads are passable during all seasons. Reports given by NAYMOTE, and CENTAL, amongst other independent evaluations have created more doubts over the government's claim of success. LPP demands an independent audit of the 100-day deliverables." He points out.

Chairman ZaZa says the government also violated the PFM Law by concealing the source of funds to purchase the 285 yellow machines disclosed by Minister of State Without Portfolio and Special Envoy of the President, Mamaka Bility.

"Are the 285 machines part of gifts or loans given to President Boakai in exchange for any of Liberia's natural resources, including the Wologisi Mountain?" The LPP asks.

Commenting on the formation of an inclusive government, the LPP chairman notes that contrary to President Boakai's promise to the Liberian people that he would form an inclusive administration, eight of the 15 counties of Liberia have no representation in the cabinet.

He recalls that Senator Amara Konneh recently added his voice to the issue of inclusion, and the Director-General of the General Services Agency (GSA) Galamai Kortimai, speaking to a group of Lofa citizens said that about 60% to 70% of the senior positions in the current government are occupied by citizens of Lofa County.

He laments that sadly, President Boakai did not follow Section 10.2 of the Executive Law, which prescribes legal formula for the formation of inclusive government developed by the Legislature in 1973.

"The Law says, as much as practicable, the President shall appoint one cabinet minister from each of the counties of Liberia."

"Had President Boakai followed this law, he would have formed an inclusive government. On this issue of political inclusion, former President George Weah of the CDC has a better record. He retained UP's Ministers of Internal Affairs, Transport, and Information as well as the Director General of the cabinet and Director General of the GSA, amongst other UP officials", the LPP explains. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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