Nigeria: How Terrorists Killed Over 50 Residents, Policemen in Katsina Coordinated Attacks

Five villages were attacked in a coordinated attack by terrorists in Katsina State.

Residents and government officials have provided details of how terrorists, locally called bandits, killed over 50 people in coordinated attacks on Katsina communities on Sunday.

Those killed included four policemen and two members of the state-owned security outfit, Community Watch Corps (CWC).

President Bola Tinubu on Tuesday condemned the attacks but provided no details.

PREMIUM TIMES has now learnt that five communities, all in Kankara Local Government Area of Katsina State, witnessed what residents called "unforgettable moments" when terrorists launched simultaneous attacks on the villages.

A total of 11 people were killed in Yargoje, 5 in Dan Nakwabo, 15 in Gidan Boka, 7 in Katsalle and 15 in Dan Maidaki, this newspaper learnt.

Eight other residents were seriously wounded and are receiving medical attention in Kankara General Hospital.

"Most of them were killed in the farm," a resident of Mabai community, who asked not to be named for safety reasons, told PREMIUM TIMES over the phone. "It was a heartless coordinated attack that security agents couldn't contain."

Though residents said 53 people were killed, the police pegged the number of slain victims at 25 including the four policemen.

The Katsina attacks add to the regular attacks in north-west and north-central Nigeria by various armed groups. The attacks over the past decade have led to thousands of deaths and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people.

Coordinated attacks

Residents said the Sunday attacks began in Yargoje around 3 p.m. when the terrorists invaded the community shooting sporadically.

The terrorists, according to one resident, drove on their motorcycles to Gidan Boka not far from Yargoje where they killed 15 residents mostly men and wounded two others.

That was when the policemen and members of the Community Watch Corp were alerted by fleeing residents.

"Immediately, the nearest armoured personnel carrier (APC) patrol team was dispatched to the scene. While en route to Gidan Baki village, the team discovered that the attack was actually on Gidan Boka village via Yar Goje village, Kankara LGA, where they quickly redirected towards the scene. Upon reaching Kurmeji village via Yar goje, the team fell into an ambush, where a firefight ensued between the team and the bandits," Abubakar-Sadik Aliyu, the police spokesperson in Katsina State, said.

Mr Aliyu said police investigation revealed that the terrorists killed 15 people and injured two others, "They also ambushed our patrol team and killed four (4) police officers (three (3) inspectors and one (1) corporal) and two (2) members of the Katsina State Community Watch Corps (KSCWC)."

From Gidan Boka, the terrorists proceeded to Dan Nakwabo and killed five farmers working on their farms.

Residents said the coordinated attack ended in Dan Mai Daki community where 15 residents were killed and eight wounded.

"We counted 15 people killed by the bandits including women and children who were working on a farm. Eight people were quickly taken to the General Hospital in Kankara. These people were working for a living," Usman Mabai, a resident, said. "We're in a serious situation in this axis. From Sheme to Kankara down to Marabar Kankara, there is no community that is not being attacked."

While the attacks were ongoing, another group of terrorists attacked residents working on their farms in Katsalle village.

"Around 4 p.m., the bandits, riding on their motorcycles, circled the community. When we saw them, we thought they would not attack us," a Katsalle farmer now seeking refuge in Kankara town, told PREMIUM TIMES. "Seven people were on their farm about to go home for the day when the bandits opened fire on them. They (bandits) were shouting at other farmers who were running, asking them "Why did you come to the farm? We've told you no farming this year."

Tinubu condemns attacks

According to a statement by his spokesperson, Ajuri Ngelale, President Tinubu "strongly condemns the recent spate of attacks against citizens in Dutsin-Ma and Kankara Local Government Areas of Katsina State."

While describing the latest attacks as grisly and sinister, the president emphasizes that more will be done to secure citizens and completely degrade terrorists and other harbingers of death and sorrow in any part of the country, Mr Ngelale wrote.

"President Tinubu directs security agencies to go after the assailants and ensure that they are brought to justice.

"The President condoles with the families of the deceased, as well as the Government and people of Katsina State, and prays for the repose of the souls of the departed."

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