Liberia: Over 48 Aggrieved Up Partisans Decry Abandonment

Over forty-eight aggrieved partisans of the ruling Unity Party, particularly entertainers under the banner "Rescue Artists," have expressed serious disappointment and abandonment in the government for not providing them with jobs.

The Rescue Artists, affectionately called the All Stars Movement for President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, is a group of entertainers ranging from musicians to filmmakers to stage comedians that were previously headed by President Boakai's son, TanTan Boakai, during the 2023 campaign period.

Formulated in 2017, it recorded songs and promotional skits and traveled to different campaign grounds and rallies to promote the Unity Party and President Boakai's success.

The group's songs and skits transcended borders and clearly defined the ARREST Agenda, which draws citizens' attention to the appalling reality that change is needed.

Addressing a press conference in Monrovia over the weekend, spokesperson Adbul-Karim Sheriff said that 4-to 5 hours before the arrival of the Presidential team, they would be on the ground, entertaining thousands of supporters with their sweet, melodious songs that melted the hearts of millions that they could dance under the rain without feeling tired.

He added that based upon what they did, the President's son TanTan promised them that they would have benefitted jobs when his father became President, and after the 2023 elections, President Boakai promised them that they were going to get jobs once their CVs were received.

However, Mr. Sheriff disclosed that after the November election, Madam Morie Y. Nemah invited them to her house and asked them which song they sang and what role they played in the electoral process.

"We were also asked about our expectations, which we did. Some of us who have BSc, AA, and professional certificates and experience in the private sector asked for jobs or employment, as others asked for scholarships to further their education. Madam Nemah arranged a meeting with us and President Boakai upon his return from the United States", he revealed.

Mr. Sheriff pointed out that during the meeting with President Boakai, the over forty-eight partisans restated their interest, and he instructed them to work on their CVs and send them to Madam Nemah.

He added that they completed their CVs and turned them over to Madam Laura M. Golakeh, as instructed by Madam Nemah, but they couldn't get any feedback.

"We approached her, and her shocking response showed that it was the beginning of things turning apart. To date, Sister Morie and Lauren have yet to get to us concerning the mandate given by the President. We called and texted her numerous times and even went to her house, but he lamented that she refused to see or talk to us".

Sheriff disclosed that they reached out to Madam Mamaka Bility concerning their plights, then Chairman Luther Tarpeh, Corina Kruah-Tokpah, Mcdella Cooper, and UP Secretary General, now LPRC boss, Mr. Amos Tweh, but they have yet to get any favorable response.

He noted that they want their plight to directly teach the President because they are equally competent to serve Liberia, and it's their fervent hope that they are listening.

"Brother Terin, who we depend on as our last bus stop, also denied us the opportunity to meet with the President. Some remarks made to us would have caused us to take the radical approach, but as intelligent as we are, we are resolved that violence is not the way. We fought for the success of this party; we will still fight to uphold the peace of this nation", he said.

Meanwhile, as the scramble for jobs intensifies, President Joseph Nyuma says everyone can't work in government, noting that there is a private sector where investments and other opportunities are.

Mr. Boakai says government intends to bring investments and create job opportunities for Liberians in the private sector and warns that the fight for government jobs has to stop.

The President warned in Margibi Electoral District#4 while breaking ground for constructing a mission school over the weekend. The statement was also in response to the District Representative's call on the President to quickly look into a serious leadership fight currently withholding the appointments of about 16 local officials in the county.

Representative Emmanuel Yarh said there is conflict about listings carrying the names of individuals appointed by the President, which has left the county's local authorities incomplete. Editing by Jonathan Browne

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