Nigeria: Police Denounce Booing of Emir Sanusi, Warn Troublemakers

17 June 2024

The Police Command in Kano State has expressed displeasure over individuals booing the entourage of Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II as he returned to his palace after Eid prayers.

This is contained in a statement issued by the command's spokesman, SP Abdullahi Kiyawa, in Kano on Monday.

He said that the incident occurred when the Emir took a different route, as part of his religious obligation.

He said, unfortunately, he was booed within the vicinity of Festival Primary School and Zage/Zango areas by some unidentified persons.

"Currently, the police command is monitoring the entire Sallah events to ensure law and order are maintained and adequate security measures are in place to tackle any form of security threat.

"Accordingly, the police command is warning individuals intending to cause chaos or breach the peace during the Sallah celebration to stay clear of the state", he said.

The spokesman further stated that at the moment, adequate security personnel had been deployed to arrest anyone attempting to cause a breakdown of law and order.

The police warned members of the public to desist from carrying weapons during and after the celebration, saying that anyone found would face stiff penalties.

"Rigorous stop-and-search operations and patrols are ongoing in all Local Government Areas (LGAs) in the metropolitan area to ensure a peaceful celebration," Kiyawa said. (NAN)

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