Ghana: Elections 2024 - Mahama Bemoans High Hajj Costs Under NPP, Pledges Affordability If Elected

Presidential candidate of the National Democratic Party, John Mahama, has promised to reduce the cost involved in Hajj pilgrimage when elected president in the Dec. 7 elections.

The Presidential Candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), John Mahama, has expressed disappointment at the high cost of the Hajj pilgrimage under the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) government.

In a Facebook post on June 17, 2024, he indicated that during his presidency, the cost of Hajj was reasonably priced and accessible to the Muslim community in Ghana.

"The current cost of the Hajj pilgrimage is undeniably a significant financial burden, making it challenging for many regular Muslims to embark on this spiritual journey. During my time as President, Hajj fares were much more affordable at GH¢11,900.00. Seeing the cost rise to GH¢75,000.00 is disheartening, leaving many with no option but to seek alternative routes for their pilgrimage. I fully understand the significance of the Hajj pilgrimage and the importance of making it accessible to all," Mahama wrote in a Facebook post.

The former President further pledged to make the Hajj pilgrimage more affordable for the Ghanaian Muslim community if he was given the opportunity to lead the country again. He made this known when he joined the Ahlussuna Wal-Jamah group for Eid prayers.

"Earlier today, when I joined the Ahlussuna Wal-Jamah group for their Eid prayers, I stated that when given the opportunity to lead our country once again, I will not only work tirelessly but also strategically to make the Hajj pilgrimage more affordable for the Ghanaian Muslim community, ensuring that no one is left behind. Let us continue to celebrate Eid and pray for peace and prosperity for our nation," he wrote.

The Hajj pilgrimage is one of the most sacred and significant religious rituals in Islam, holding immense importance for Muslims worldwide, including those in Ghana. Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and is mandatory for all Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey.

For Muslims in Ghana, Hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to cleanse their souls, seek forgiveness, and reconnect with their faith. It is a symbol of unity and solidarity, as millions of Muslims from diverse backgrounds converge on the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

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