Nigeria: Cholera Outbreak - Ogun Announces Preventive Measures in Schools

"The measures take effect from Wednesday, as schools resume from the mid-term break and the Eid el-kabir holiday," the health commissioner said.

Ogun State Government has directed school heads to ensure good health and safety of all learners and staff to prevent the spread of cholera within the school communities.

The state Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Abayomi Arigbabu, gave the directive in a statement issued in Abeokuta on Wednesday.

Mr Arigbabu noted that preventive measures had been put in place to control the spread of the disease in schools in the state, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports.

According to him, the measures take effect from Wednesday, as schools resume from the mid-term break and the Eid el-kabir holiday.

He listed some of the measures to include comprehensive health talks on cholera prevention, information on symptoms, transmission routes, proper hand hygiene and safe drinking water practices.

Other measures, he added, are to ensure availability of clean water and soap for hand washing in school premises, encourage regular hand washing, especially before eating and after using the restroom.

He also directed school heads to promote the use of hand sanitisers with at least 60 per cent alcohol content as support to hand washing.

There should also be regular inspection and maintenance of water sources within school premises to ensure they are safe for drinking, the commissioner also directed.

"Monitor closely the food vendors and ensure that they collect letters from health facilities, certifying their fitness for the job," he added.

Mr Arigbabu explained that there would be Designate Health Officers in schools to monitor learners and staff for any symptoms of cholera.

He also directed school heads to report any suspected cases immediately to the nearest health centre and to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

"By adhering strictly to these preventive measures and maintaining a high level of vigilance, we can collectively safeguard our health and wellbeing during this critical period," he added.

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